9 Answers
I have trouble getting angry, I was the youngest Hargrove and next to youngest of us all. I wasn’t allowed to get mad…. I’ve grown now and anger applies to me at the oddest times. I don’t like unfairness and don’t hurt my friends, do not tell me what to do either. It is rare for me to get upset behind the wheel but others can p*ss me off. I don’t do anything with it except write. It is even more rare for it to be received…..
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
"State of mind in relation to anger and calm"
Generally, I am calm, but easily agitated, most often by other drivers who pull out in front of other motorists (or me), change lanes without signaling, cut in front of me at 80 mph and then apply their brakes sharply, or cut in front of me in order to get into a turnoff I'm not taking, when they could have just gone behind me. My response varies.
I also become distraught when people are narrow-minded or intentionally try to upset me with unkind, ignorant remarks or actions. My response varies.
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
OH yeah,,i get this tightning in my chest,do not know what it is ,but damn i hate it,,when that happens i go a bit like the hulk "HULK SMASH",it does not happen as much these days,but back in my drinking days it was every day..i know i am better off teatotal..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Sadly ....
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |