    Would the world have as many wars if women were in charge in every state and country of the world?

    +10  Views: 1088 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    I fnd the answers and comments Offensive and Demeaning towards the Male Gender and if you believe this ,woman on this sight will never grow up to be President. :) lol.

    10 Answers

    There would be more Stilleto hell injurers,


    I liked the way you spelled " heel " , Hectie. LMBO

    Maybe but they wouldn't be called 'wars'. The men of the world would refer to them as "cat fights". (Only men have discussions.)                       <sarcasm intended>


    or hen fights.or hair pulling fights
    country bumpkin

    ...and men have farting contests too MCM!

    Woman can be mean. It would depend entirely on if they had children themselves…….

    • "I don't want my son killed there. So in keeping himself safe, he will have to kill someone else, but the person that he's killing is a son or daughter and they have a mom and that mom loves their child as much as I love mine. I don't want to bury my son. But for my son to be safe, someone else has to die." -Virginia Morton, Antioch, CA My Child: Mothers of War is a documentary about he mothers who send their children to fight in Iraq. 

      Written by Anonymous


    One has to wonder how that perspective would change if the women were responsible for entire nations of sons and daughters.

    No, there  really would be more meaningful discussion and compromise, BUT only if the women were not politicians (Boxer, Feinstein, Pelosi, Palin, Clinton for example)


    What we need is a lady Trump,

    That doesn't sound like a good idea to me, hector! Her hair would be hideous, for one thing.

    Hectie, wasn't Thatcher a " lady Trump " ? Oh, I forgot, you weren't born yet when Thatcher was the P M . ;-)

    Hugh Hefner. :)

    No ... I think there would be more wars due to jealousy ... more targeted killings, things like that. I don't think that women in positions of power act much differently than their counterparts. Also due to such diverse views of women world-wide ... in some places still treated as possessions, no better than dogs while in others women are revered. Yet in politics a woman is targeted just as men are.... I recall  Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto having both been murdered in recent history and at a time when very, very few women were in politics. I wonder would we have so many wars if we had fewer politicians?

    Indira Gandhi: India10 Famous Political Leaders who were Assassinated


    Diann Fossey was murdered too, for trying to help and study Gorillas

    They did not want her saving Gorillas! What a dreadful shame that was!

    And the gorillas still suffer, we live in a sad world.

    .... and Chimps ... they can really kick butt!!
    Ee ee oo oo oo ah ah! Bonzo was a great vice-prez eh?

    I would say no,Great women leaders are more the exception than the norm,,and what greater woman can there be then a woman that brings life into the world,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..Image result for Joan of arc photos


    behind every great man is a great woman. And behind every great woman is a great behind.
    ~ ~ ~ my uncle said that...........
    ~ ~ ~ juliana or Julie

    There wouldn't be as many wars, b/c men have such  high Testosterone......levels - -  thereby predisposing  them toward violence and aggression. Women don't have those high levels and are more likely to want to work out a compromise, instead of killing and torturing  masses of people

    So what about Mrs Thatcher who declared war on Argentina over their invasion of the Falklands?


    She wasn't a real woman, and she needed the votes.

    The Iron Woman

    They are running things.

    terryfossil 1

    Not quite yet my friend..but you will know the difference when they do,,as we try to release the female side of ourselves,,,or as men become metro-sexual,,or as men or women have sex changes,,or as equality becomes a real thing..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I know..

    Trying.... :)

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