    Scar Face!

     I have a 3 inch scar across my right hand which I received when I threw fishing line into the lake attached to a very heavy weight. I also have a scar near my knee from when I fell over on my bike while living in Austin Texas. How did you accomplish/receive your most memorable scar?

    +11  Views: 1100 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    16 staples on my temple (brain surgery) they were trying to find one, only visible when I tan a wee bit.

    country bumpkin

    I don't think I would have ever noticed if you wouldn't have pointed this out to me babe.

    Romos, I'm sure she means the scar. ;-)
    country bumpkin

    LOL Digger! I make it so easy to make fun of me.


    Let's see: a C-section scar and one in my hair line and the same one split off and in the middle of my forehead, (running away from my sister, I didn't want to be the horse), falling off the monkey bars(head), and on the back of my thigh from a fall I took and hit so hard I bled inside creating scar tissue.... Many, many other, little ones....

    P.S. Who all remembers Monkey Blood?

    country bumpkin

    That's a lot of scars Julie, shame on horae, LOL

    On what? Horse?
    country bumpkin

    LOL I knew horse was what you meant. Cute mistakes! :)

    Left eye (beer bottle) Left hip (replacement) right knee (replacement)Back left leg (ulcers) front of left leg (ulcers)inside right arm (skin graft) outside right arm (car door) chest ( barbed wire)spine (coupla rods and screws) and a few other stupid ones,,i have no idea why i started writing this,it is kinda like a memory recall..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..


    Isn't modern medicine great?
    terryfossil 1

    Downright scary Clu..6 million dollar man used to be a fiction movie,,and robocop not so fiction now >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    Terry I am the Bionic Woman to your Six Million Dollar Man. LOL WOW!!!

    Most recent was ruptured appendix which started as exploratory! When I was a kid Scar on head above eye brow from crashing into cement porch running from a bully! Got even with him a few weeks later by throwing a fork into his forehead!  And it stuck! Must have been about 8 years old at the time!



    lol (the fork part)
    country bumpkin

    You have some historical scars clu. I've experienced a few bully's in my time but the only one I can remember by name is Bubba Woodal from Johnson City, Texas. He thought he was tough but he was really a 6 foot pile of shasta! :)

    I have two scars that are barely visible. One I received while learning to iron as a child. I ran the iron right over my finger. The other I received while learning to 'carve' as a child. Apparently, it's not a good idea to bring the knife toward you while carving. I stabbed myself between my thumb and first finger. I was fascinated by being able to spread my thumb and finger apart and see right down into my hand! I went home and showed Mom....Eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!        lol

    country bumpkin

    Oh My Goodness, You are a good ole Tomboy aren't you! Be proud my fair weathered friend! You're Awesome!

    The only visible scars i have are on my right elbow and ankle when i came off my bike during a cycle road race, only doing 60ks, djd not make a corner, thank god for compulsory helmets.  :)

    country bumpkin

    You are one of the lucky people Kent. I'm glad you are okay. xo

    All part of the sport,CB, at least i did not break a pelvis like a female rider did in the same road race, it was a bad day for injuries.

    20 staples going in a C shape from top of scalp to near the right ear lobe.All due to having Trigeminal Neuralgia.The operation is called a MVD .....Microvascular Decompression.The scar is not visible though as obviously the hair covers it.


    Yikes! I just read about the condition and the surgery to correct it. I hope you've had none of the possible adverse effects from the surgery. :(

    No, all good. Very,very severe pain on and off for 2 years before the operation.Medication just stopped working.

    Must have been horrible. Glad that it's ok now.
    country bumpkin

    Oh my goodness Pyth! Thanks for sharing this with us. I hope all is well with you.

    I can't imagine enduring pain like that.

    I have a small scar on my right cheekbone from a cyst removal and my appendix scar stretches from my far right side to a couple inches into the left side.  It ruptured and abscessed and was somewhere "up and under" someplace it wasn't supposed to be.  The doctor said he had to keep cutting across me, looking for it.
    The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse for good bacteria, “rebooting” the digestive system after diarrheal illnesses. Other experts believe the appendix is just a useless remnant from our evolutionary past. Surgical removal of the appendix causes no observable health problems.


    I've had my appendix removed also. I was eight years old and loved being in the hospital. The nurses spoiled me. :)

    Those were the days when people's health mattered!
    Being a little girl made you even more special!!! My sister was about the same age when she had hers removed.
    country bumpkin

    When I was in nursing school I learned that no one knows for sure the function of an appendix. Interesting as far as we have come to understand about the body and its functions that the appendix remains a mystery.

    Someone once told me it helped humans digest the rocks they ate in the stone age, so named because we ate stones. Uhh.....

    For all we know, they are the cause of the common cold. :)

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