10 Answers
I keep everything in a daytimer....appointments, meetings, visitors coming, movie date, expected arrival date of an order, birthday phone call, etc
I can never use the "I forgot" excuse because people know me better than that. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 12 | |

P.S. I'm also a list maker. Today I hardly accomplished anything on my list!
"Hard copy" Daytimer? Those are the best calendars and appointment books ever. Do you ever use your phone for reminders and appointments? I seldom do....don't pay enough attention to the phone

Hard copy...like the olden days. I don't own any gadgets...like the olden days. I have a laptop and that's as modern as I have become. :)
Ah, the Stone Age....good times! The age of technology has come at a price too high....our privacy and safety, for example
That happened to my mom a couple of times. Very unfortunate. I've had a few occasions, too, but the CC company was accommodating. They should be; I'm a very good customer!
Yep and with good reason,,too many bumps on the noggin at a younger age..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
This reminds me of a disturbing movie I saw a few years ago about a guy who had no memory and had notes written everywhere, his body covered with them, too.
I note and make lists! What I hate is when I make grocery lists and forget to take it to the store! What I hate more is when I'm 3/4 thru the store then find something on the list 5 aisles back!
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Yep, going without the list is usually a $20 mistake, or more, AND I have to go back to get the things I forgot
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