    What is your thoughts on the new open carry laws being passed?

    They scare the beejuice out of me. I don't trust other people's aim or their spur of the moment tempers....

    +5  Views: 765 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    Donald Trump mentioned that he (and his sons) all carry a gun. Yikes!!!

    7 Answers

    They used to have a Gun Moll in Capone days,,she carried the gun until he needed it to kill someone,,""

    Billy the kid would be SOOOO excited.


    What about that guy called Frank Miller,That got off that train at high noon,A bit like an old fasion J,D,B,

    More drugs...more alcohol....more guns! Yeah pardner....that'll fix 'em! Yee haw!


    That's it miss ducky for a bigger and tougher would,

    If you've read my previous post on the hand guns, I do believe in training. Just buying a gun and carrying it without any training or practice is a scary thing. I also believe that if you buy a gun, go get your Concealed carry you do have to go through a course including shooting it, That's not enough you had better follow up in training and practice.  

    Bullet proof vests and bigger and more powerful guns for all the good people,like you,


    I don't mind paying 5p for a bag, we've had that law a year longer than you lot, same as the "Poll tax".

    Your bags are cheap, Roy--- our bags are 15 cents each for plastic, 1 Dollar for canvas bags.

    Forget Gun checks, and every thing that goes with it, America will wake up one day and say                                                                    ' i know how to deal with the gun problem, it has been simple all along, GET RID OF ALL GUNS AND FOLLOW AUSTRALIA'S GUN CONTROL. :) Regardless of how people feel about guns this will happen over a period of time with the general public help, to dob in those they know have weapons -- having a gun to protect your self from other guns is idiotic  -- migrate to Canada.                                                                                                


    "Migrate to Canada".....!!!???

    What, What ,Kent?????? Even Annie had a gun,

    Ducky, i thought you would like to have these gun crazy Americans in Canada. - i could have said OZ but we don't want them.

    Is Annie still alive!, Hec.

    Except for hunters, some won't come here. They have to declare their guns at the border and the fanatical ones don't like that. They can't accept that that is the law. Thankfully, I have met hundreds of Americans who do not have or seem to need hand guns. They love Canada and Canadians and we welcome them. We never argue either. lol

    Okiloma ,kent,

    Some people enjoy hunting and/or target shooting. These are generally not crimes. For some reason I truly can't explain, when I think of all Americans being stripped of their guns, it makes me think of lab rats....

    Lots of people enjoy hunting or target shooting. That's not my point. If you state at the border, "No, I have no guns in my car" and then they ask you to pull over, go through your car, find a gun, you are in HUGE trouble. You will go back to the! And yes, Canadians get pulled over at the border on occasion as well. To "declare" (not hand over) is very important. We aren't stripping you of all your guns! American hunters, who come here by the hundreds, understand this concept.

    Oh, Ducky, I'm not arguing what you are saying. I completely agree with declaring you have a gun when asked. We have to declare when we transport fruit over a state border!!!
    I don't agree with bulletman's answer.
    When I was first married, we travelled across country and wandered into Canada to visit "Tour of the Universe" in Toronto. At the border, a check of our GMC van yielded a "roach" of marijuana (my wonderful husband and his equally wonderful brother). We were ushered into separate rooms and a strip search was attempted....I was furious with those two idiots. I did not cooperate with a full strip search at all, and was not forced to do so. That was 30 years ago. A good border security is important, no squabble from me.

    Yep, drugs will do it. I've never heard of a strip search being demanded, but I also think that things at our mutual border have changed. For the most part, they are polite....except if you get smart with them. They take offence at that....just like cops.....touchy! (And they have guns!) :))

    A little more respect for each other and ourselves wouldn't hurt!

    It's a position of power....enough said?

    Probably on both sides, as the "bad guy" is trying to exert control and power, too. (Bad guy not being the police in this example)

    I support the 2nd amendment, but obviously there needs to be very reliable checks and balances to prevent the chaos we all see with everybody and their crazy brother-in-law packing heat.

    An extensive background check and fingerprinting is done for someone who is hired by a school district, works in a church, or wants to open a recycling center.  Should anything LESS be done for someone who wants to purchase and/or carry a firearm?  AFTER the background check is completed, the potential gun-owner/toter would be required to complete an "X" number of hours gun training and maintaining course.  The certificate would be good for no more than two years.

    THEN, you can purchase a gun.  I am not in favor of open carry, or even concealed carry for "just anybody".  MOST of us do not need to worry on a daily basis of being in need of a gun for protection.  Not yet, anyway....


    At least this sounds more sensible. However, the gun-toting-ranters would go crazy because their "rights" are being trampled. I smell a million law suits and even more chaos from 'the crazy brothers-in-law" (your words).

    There will definitely be some ranters and lunatics making noise. I feel that anyone who doesn't have something to hide would go along with something like "my master plan for gun safety" because it doesn't play favorites with anybody.
    There could be appeals, certainly, because I wouldn't let anyone who had a history of mental illness or a suicide attempt, or any conviction for any kind of assault to legally possess a gun.
    Therein lies the bigger problem....people who somehow manage to get their hands on a gun illegally. Get to the bottom of THAT, and many (not all) of our gun-violence issues could be eliminated.
    We have to start somewhere. Taking all the guns away from the citizens makes as much sense as - say - denying everybody immigration.

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