    What do you like to take to a pot luck.....besides your appetite?

    Taking my cheese triangles and some easy peanut butter fudge tonight, and twice-baked  savory sweet potatoes for Christmas.  I want to make some small cherry and blueberry "pies" for the next one. I'll roll out the pie crust, cut a 4-inch circle, spoon on some spiced filling mixed with ricotta cheese, then seal it closed with water, press the edges with a fork, brush with egg white and sprinkle with colored sugar and bake.  It should be delicious, with whipped cream, of course.

    +7  Views: 3268 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    Can you explain what a "Pot Luck" is to us Aussies ?

    pyth, everybody brings a dish of some sort: food, casseroles, deserts… The men are usually requested to bring beverage and bread of some sort…..

    To what type of event would you do this for ? Is it a tradition of some sorts ?
    terryfossil 1

    Pot luck in Aussie just means"you get what you get"..if you go to the races,if you take pot luck in any race,it is pick a number and get what you get..have never heard it referred to food.. >>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Where I live, we are having a "pot luck" just after New Year. Some people have been asked to bring a main dish, some a salad, some a dessert. Drinks will be provided by the hosts. I'm supposed to bring dessert this year. Last year it was salad. Tonight, people brought tiramisu, cheesecake, a platter of shrimp and cocktail sauce, my cheese things, little potatoes with cheese and salmon (two small bites), cookies, stuff like that. Everybody shares in the food, taking a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It's almost a buffet!

    Potluck can be for a variety of reasons like a holiday (Christmas, New Year's, birth and birthdays, and just for the hell-of-it, a get together just because......).....

    jhh is right, pythonlover. Pot lucks are great any time. When I barbecue by the pool and invite family or friends, I always ask them to bring stuff. It is fun to help out (and to be helped!)

    I know what you mean now.Ours is called "bring a plate".
    country bumpkin

    You never know what you are going to get...Pot Luck!

    It often refers to church dinners. My church has a potluck once a month on Fri night with an interesting program afterward . It is said that you should bring a side dish that is capable of feeding at least 6 people.

    4 Answers

    Broccoli and Cheese ...Yummy !



    My 3 year old grandson is a fanatic for broccoli. He'd likely follow you anywhere if you showed him a plate looking this good!

    Other than work, I’ve never been to a pot luck (well, family reunions). For a get together I usually make something that takes a lot of work because I like it. Like stuffed jalapeños, or seven layer salad or what I call Gunnar Dip (six or seven layers of Mexican style stuff to dip into….)…….



    I can't do pot lucks anymore....too many 'unknowns'.      :(

    One of my favorite recipes to take to a potluck  is cream cheese spread across deli ham and then wrapped around a green/spring onion. Delish! A malted ball ice cream pie and cheese fudge is a bit hit too.

    country bumpkin

    Out of TU's so I'll hit you on the flipside.

    Can a person really TU their own answer? lol

    I'm gonna need that cheese fudge recipe, girlfriend
    country bumpkin

    Bob I used to have this recipe written down but I left it behind with my son. I've looked on the internet and I think I've found a recipe very close to the one I used to make so I'm sending it your way.

    Thank you, CB. It sounds pretty good....will fit right in for Christmas brunch!
    Have you ever checked out food gawker . com? I'm headed there pretty soon.

    I just checked it out and went straight to the Gluten Free Gallery....looks awesome. Thanks.

    Good to hear. I've not checked it out yet, but my friend's daughter is visiting from NY and she told me about it. I may get stuck on the sight all night!
    country bumpkin

    I looked at food gawker and I really like it. Spaceships and laserbeams looks interesting too.

    Glad you like it!

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