    What a load of trash! What would you do if you were in our situation?

    There are 6 flats in our block and 6 garbage bins numbered for each individual flat. Our garbage bins are emptied only every other week so recyclable bins have been provided to the apartment community so the bins do not overflow before the garbage is collected. Roy and I recycle all of our tins, plastics and paper to keep our personal bin from overflowing. We usually take our last full bag of garbage out to place in our bin the night before the  garbage collection but lately when we try to empty our trash into our bin it is full of someone elses household garbage because he/she is two darn lazy to recycle. I want to write a note and stick it on the outside of our trash bin reminding people to recycle. What do you suggest we do? Uhmm, I hate to admit but a couple of times lately people who have thrown their garbage in our personal bin have found their stuff lying on the ground.

    +10  Views: 1118 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago
    country bumpkin

    Update: I wrote 5 friendly letters to all our block mates and titled it, Please Recycle. I explained to the neighbours that we recycle so our bin does not spill over with rubbish before the dustmen empty the bins and how irritating it is when we have no room left in our bin for our own rubbish because someone else on the blocks keeps shoving their excess household trash into our bin. I gave a long list of recyclable items that most people wouldn't think of recycling and ended the letter with, Please be considerate of the environment and our neighbours too.
    So far it has worked, because there hasn't been anything placed in our bin since the letter was written approx 5 weeks ago. One person has moved but the main culprit is still living here and I've seen him loading up his car with empty boxes and other recyclable items to take to the larger recycling site a few blocks from here.


    Good on yer CB, well done, looks as if you have made them think.

    Yup yup yup Bunkin!!!

    10 Answers

    Since it's difficult to track down the culprit in a situation like this, I would opt for putting a note on MY can. Something like..."We each have a can. Please use YOURS...NOT ours! Thanking you in advance for your co-operation".

    country bumpkin

    I will Ducky, I will. I'm afraid people are so ruthless around here it will cause a bigger issue but I will try.

    C B, Sic Roy on it.
    country bumpkin

    Update in blue area.

    You must not be able to put a lock on your bin, either, which is too bad. Maybe a bungee or chain can be looped around it and locked?   Are ALL the bins jammed full when you take out your last bag? If not you might be able to figure out who the culprit is, then take the extra garbage (if it is bagged) out and put it by the front door.
    Or,  get a big bag and fill it with loosely wadded paper, so it seems really full.  Put it in your bin so your bin looks full. Take it out every time you put new trash in and then put it back on top.  You can just keep using that big bag to make your bin look fuller every week.  I know, pretty dumb idea.
    OR, just put each bag 'o trash in a different bin.  That way, someone will complain to you and you can say that you have to use everyone else's bins because SOMEONE is using yours.  The innocent ones may point you in the direction of the slob.   



    I think that's a pretty good suggestion.
    country bumpkin

    Your suggestion about the wadded up paper placed on top of the bin is a very good idea. All the other bins are full by the time we take out our last bag of garbage the night before pick up since no one else but us recycles as far as we can tell. We could take our garbage out a couple of days earlier but we wait until the last night because the bin men will not empty the containers in our block/unit unless all 6 bins are moved to the end of the curb which about 30 feet away from where they normally reside. Roy and I (and one other flat mate occasionally) are the only people who move the bins to the curb and no one else will do it and we've asked them. If we don't do it the garbage ends up setting on the ground and the cats and seagulls tear into the bags so the trash ends up all over the place. It seems to be a never ending cycle. UGG!

    What an absolutely ridiculous situation....people filling up your bin and not even moving their own bin to the pickup site.
    Honestly, I would put out my own bin and let the trash fall where it may. Keep your place as clean as you can. You two are giving your bin to someone else to use AND you are moving the bins for everyone.
    STOP IT. Stop it for a couple of weeks and see if these deadbeats pick up the pace. Also, you know which trash in the bin is yours. Check the bags of the other bins during the week and you may be able to figure out whose trash is in your bin. AND, check your bin every morning and every night. Take out the bags that are not yours and put them in someone else's bin, or just put it on the ground and let the cats tear open a few. THAT may cure the trespasser.....hold your ground with the neighbors. You've had enough. Drastic times call for drastic measres
    country bumpkin

    Gosh this is a hard decision, but you are correct Phyllis! I will deal with it after Christmas and I'll keep you posted with any updates.

    Please do. I'd like to know these jokers have straightened up
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    That's really good to hear, CB. How nice your neighbors responded positively and conscientiously instead of being the typical S-O-B types you'd expect around here.

    Why do you hate to admit that on a couple occasions you have put someone else's garbage on the ground?? That is exactly what you should do! Also a note... "THIS IS OUR BIN USE YOUR OWN". I know... it will cause hard feelings... but so what?

    country bumpkin

    LOL...I hate to admit it because it's a tacky thing to do but do I feel remorse-no!
    I am going to write a note and I will mention all the suggestions in this thread. Thanks for your suggestion.
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    ""Oh, no. What a delema. I guess seeing as it's only 6 flats, go to each and explain your problem and ask if they have experienced the same trouble. One of the flat's residents is the culprit. Maybe you won't know who but your message will be brought home. AND you get to know your neighbors. Know thy enemy.....


    country bumpkin

    I think two people may be the culprits in our block of flats but it may be someone in the other block whom we would never mention it to because he's a stupid and mean sob who is constantly in trouble with the police. I think I will stick a not on top of our bin asking people to recycle so their bin does not overflow by the time the dustmen come and hope it doesn't create new problems.

    CB...Do you realize that you are starting to sound like a Scot? "Bins" not garbage cans. "Dustmen" not garbage men/collectors. "Shops" not stores. Hah
    country bumpkin

    My other mother says the same thing. LOL

    Your other mother is correct! lol
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    Hire a private eye to monitor the bin use & catch the culprit.Then you can sue them for unlawful trash can use.It should only cost yo a couple of grand to sort this out.

    Yes! of course I'm kidding.

    Merry Xmas To you & Roy CB.

    Xmas gift idea....A bigger trash can.LOL

    country bumpkin

    Love your honesty, Tommyh! Merry Christmas to Maggie and you and your family too. Love ya to bits!
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    We only have the green and yellow lids,yellow being recycle,,yellow is emptied every other week,we have 3 units and 2 yellow and 2 green bins,if one of our bins are full,we use the emptyest bin we can find,,we just share and share,,.seems to work for us in Aussie,,we do not get hung up on this recycling,if the recycling bin is full,we just chuck it in the other bin,,maybe you guys have smaller bins than us..<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..""

    country bumpkin

    I understand about sharing Terry but we would never stick our garbage inside someone elses bin unless there is an empty flat at the time especially since the bins are labeled with each apartment number. Maybe it would be okay to share bins on occasion if everyone in our block/unit of apartments recycled but Roy and I are the only people who do it so by the end of the two weeks we can't fit our garbage into anyone elses bin because all the others are spilling over. This is why people choose to stick their trash in our bin because ours in not overflowing but when we go outside with our last bag of trash there is nowhere to put it because ours is full of other peoples crap. It really gets my goat Terry that so many people are so inconsiderate of the environment and their neighbors.
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    Why don't you two move back to Tarzan land .You know you wont have that problem. Your going to miss the blizzard of the century this weekend , weather forecasters say. Now they saying possible up to 40 inches in some places.


    Ah relax. It isn't gonna happen. lol

    You probably are right.

    Where's Tarzanland zorro? First I heard of this ... could this Tarzan be a Sasquatch? Does he swing from trees and make large whooping noises? Hmm... does he live in the jungle and hide alot? Is he big and hairy? You may be on to something zorro ... wot does Tonto have to say about this beast? Oops... my bad .... wrong cowboy.... LOL

    Ask C B . I'll let her tell you .
    country bumpkin

    Sorry this is my first time back on aka in almost a week. Lindilou, Tarzan, Texas is where or close to where Zorro lives. Tarzan is approx 157 miles from where I grew up in Texas. To most this may seem like a lot of mileage but for West Texan's it is just a hop skip and a jump.

    Okay ... so Zorro is the Sasquatch? ;O
    country bumpkin

    HA! Yes Lindi, Zorro has really big feet!

    Hide Zorro hide!!! lol

    what an irritation. but a lot of good advice here.

    country bumpkin

    Any thoughts of your own to help us with this situation?

    country bumpkin knowing me i would find out who was doing it. after that i would greet them politely, sympathize with them and then talk to them about my concern. when somebody gets me upset, which this might do it, i never holler make bad faces or cuss them out. hopefully they may come to feel what you feel if they are not too upset over their own personal life. if they come to 'feel you'.
    they might agree to be more aware and careful regarding the trash and recycling. i've had situations like this, it's not easy, but solveble in a peaceful manner. if they are not crazy they will probably react to your demeanor and attitude regarding the situation. good luck dear!!!
    country bumpkin

    Perfect timing for your comment Tabber. I went outside last night to bin a bag of garbage and there were three bags in their that didn't belong to us. One bag had an envelope with the flat address so now I know for sure at least one person who is doing this. I stuck all the bags back inside of his bin and placed the envelope with the address on the very top to give him a subtle hint. I haven't gotten around to writing the letters yet but I will be very nice. I think I'll title it, "A Friendly Reminder to Please Recycle". The bags last night were full of plastic bottles and paper and if these people will start recycling their bins will not fill up before they are emptied.
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    Out here recycling is the law and we can be fined for chucking out the wrong stuff! Everything, including organic waste is recycled here and we do it willingly. Many gardeners here just compost their kitchen waste but our compost bins must be varmint proof and far away from the house... we have a lot of critters here especially along the waterfront!   Eeeeks!

    Now perhaps a leaflet expressing the merits of recycling as an effort to educate the non-recyclers could be placed in the post boxes of all or perhaps a meeting to do the same.... then the bins could be reassigned or increased in number to include the separate bins for tins, glass, paper and any return-ables for money could be donated to local charity or to the complexes new recycling program that you and the KOTF could create! LOL  [I'm such a putz!] To prevent garbage from elsewhere being placed the bins themselves could be confined and locked? The land owner must be approached for solutions like these ie: arranging a tenant's meeting; securing the bins; free beers and bbq for all recyclers .... you get my drift!  LOL

    country bumpkin

    The dustbin men do occasionally place a recycling notice on the bins to mind people to recycle but people move in and out of this complex so often that I don't anyone living on our six block unit has received a notice. I like all of your ideas Lindi. Perhaps I can write a letter or convince Roy to make a phone call to see if we can get some notices placed on the bins again. Sorry it has taken me so long to comment to you. Last night was my first time back on aka in almost a week.
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

    Trash, garbage,, vot is sis meaning.

    Down here in the Essex countryside we still have weekly collections fortunately,  and we have the bins in our gardens until collection  day, then we just put out the black bags from inside.  They have to be black of course ,otherwise  the politicly  correct  dustmen won't take them. Where my son likes nearer the local town, he has fortnightly  collection, so there are hundreds of black bags littering the streets around collection  day, it's called progress apparently. The local dustmen have been banned by their boss from wearing Christmas hats and tinsel, health and safety another apparently. 

    I think your answer is either a chain and pad lock , (that's for the bin not Roy) or sit out and wait for the offender to turn up. 

    country bumpkin

    Ha! Like your answer Dave! :)
    country bumpkin

    See update in blue area.

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