    G'Day Mates, what is the weather like where you are, can you spare a thought for me, it is just past midday here in Sth. Aus and it is already 41 Celcius heading for 44 degrees, it is HOT! HOT! HOT!, even the birds and ants have disappeared , unfortunately the right ingredients for a major bush fires with a northerly wind.

    +7  Views: 1145 Answers: 11 Posted: 9 years ago

    11 Answers

    That is the equivalent of over 111 Fahrenheit!
    You are definitely in my prayers.
    Keep cool!


    Just thinking about it makes breathing difficult. :(

    I hear ya!

    Sweltering here in N .S .W  too, not as bad as S.A though. Keep your cool Bulletman.


    Unbelievable the storm you had the other day, a sad day so close to Xmas for those who lost everything.

    WOW! That's hot! Right now it is about 30 degrees Farenheight. Cold but will warm to 50's by Christmas!  So no White Christmas here! Merry Christmas!



    That's something i'll never see here is a White Christmas, more like a Brown Christmas, thou the froth on ice cold beer makes up for it.:)
    terryfossil 1

    Now that would be a sight Kent,,snow in adelaide,,,tell em their dreaming..Keep the water up mate.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It's right at freezing here and yesterday, Dec. 19th, we received our very first real (stayed on the ground) snowfall of the season. That's late for us....usually have snow in November. However, the temperature is supposed to rise by a few degrees, next week. Looks as though there is a possibility of a green Christmas. 


    Bing Crosby would not appove of that Miss Ducky,

    Hector: Neither would Obama!

    @both....:) :)

    Sorry mate,,the weather up around my neck of the woods is a little cooler than yours,,you could always holiday up my way..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..""


    Terry, i don't thing going to the beach would be a good idea, thanks for the suggestion. :)

    About a cool 14c hear but it will be our hottest year,  since records began,will not stop raining though,

    I’m glad Bob did the math for me. That IS hot. Proverbial fried egg on the sidewalk. It gets that ho here but not very often. Wait, we had one summer where it hit 110 F. ten days in a row. I sympathize…….


    I don’t know what this means but I thought it was neat……...



    Egyptian hieroglyphics?

    Julie, this is our 4th day at over 40, and would you believe it is now trying to rain, i can hear it, but not see it, it is vapourising before hitting the ground.

    I would be absolutely dying in temperatures like that!

    I checked the forecast for Adelaide. A lot cooler tomorrow and Monday, then heat will return, but not as bad as today. In NYC, it's 36 F, about 2 C. Going up to a balmy 40F, 4C or so, and windy.

    • Saturday


      Partly Cloudy

    • Sunday


      Scattered Showers

    • Monday


      Partly Cloudy

    • Tuesday


      Partly Cloudy

    • Wednesday


      Mostly Sunny



    Well I can tell you no mosquitos alive here.

    It's chilly with a mixed bag of rain, pelting rain, blinding buckets of rain combined with drizzle, snow, slush and oceanic blizzardly squalls ... I just drove 6 1/2 hrs thru it back and forth thru the Malahat mountain pass.... here on Vancouver Island on the wet coast of Canada! Welcome to my world ... just phenomenal driving skills lemme just say ... LOL  [I was shaking in my boots with insanely limited visibility but just kept my cool and reminisced about winter prairie blizzard zero viz driving !]    {:=3O

    Image result for vancouver island malahat road conditions

    Sunny and a mild 10 c here in Essex UK. Not at all normal for this time of year, it would  normally  be about 1c or 2c late December  and  January. We are lucky around here though , no floods , unlike northern  parts of the country. 


    I've just seen the flooding on tv. Looks very serious. :(

    Yes it's happened several times over the past few years. Flood defences have been improved and replaced, but there has been so much rain, they haven't stood up to it.
    The people up north are great people, they all pull together and help each other, they are a certain breed.

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