    You've cut yourself on a piece of metal. What do you do first?

    Squeeze the wound to make it bleed? Wash immediately? Apply bandages? Wash with anticeptives? Ignore it or wonder if your shots are up to date?

    +8  Views: 1027 Answers: 12 Posted: 9 years ago

    12 Answers


    The first thing I would do is faint.


    ....wimp ?
    country bumpkin

    Troublemaker! LOL
    Benthere didn't take long for you to join Bump for another attack.

    Mumble or say something (censored)
    Squeeze it and head for the sink.
    Wash it after the bleeding stops flowing.
    Antibiotic and Band-Aid if necessary.


    Try to make sure its stainless steel,so it will not spoil my clothers,



    Ouch! Run it under cold water. Put a band aid on it. Wait for it to swell or turn bright red. If/when that happens, seek medical attention.


    Swear, yell, feel faint, wash it and whilst putting a band-aid on it think to myself, when was my last Tetanus shot.

    Bleed it,wash it,band-aid it..""

    Wash it. peroxide it, Antibodic it! And yes my Tetnus shot is up to date and the shot was expensive to me! (not covered by Medicare!)

    Smash the sh#t out of the metal. :)

    terryfossil 1

    Temper Temper Kent..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Depends on what the metal was used for.. Many years ago I had an old mechanic tell be If yer wrenching on an engine er transmission where theres dirt an oil and ya cut yer self don't worry...cut yer self on a pig gate ,,, clean it.... I've lived by that for 30+ years and have not had an infection....


    Merry Christmas Dave, good to see you're still around, best wishes to the family.

    Wash it, put pressure  on it to stop the beading,  and elevate it. Poor yourself  a stiff drink.

    first you clean it and rinse it out with soap or H202.Then put antibiotic ointment on it. Then, you see if it's gaping. If you can't get it to stay closed, or get the bleeding to stop, you either put a butterfly bandaid on it and gauze. If it still bleeds after a while, go to the E R for possible stitches and a tetanus shot .


    A lot of people just super glue their wounds back together…...

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