6 Answers
I read a fabulous book about body language a few months ago. For example: If you are standing with a group of people and your foot/toes are pointed towards one person this means you like this person or what this person is saying. If you are in a room talking with a person and you are uncomfortable you will point your foot towards the door meaning you want to leave etc.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

The study of body language is very interesting.

I want to check this book out again because it was so interesting.
Listen here>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2Xeopv_wf0
Listen here>>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2Xeopv_wf0
"The TMJ Healing Plan" given to me by my dentist as a "must read". Exciting huh? :)
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Chiropractor adjusted my noisy jaw over two months ago and it is still working better than it has in decades!
Please ask your dentist if that might help, even a little.
You should be reading much more exciting stuff!!!!
Please ask your dentist if that might help, even a little.
You should be reading much more exciting stuff!!!!

I recently spoke with someone who has had jaw surgery (big mistake she says) and she goes to a massage therapist. She says that it has been a huge help. I'm just letting my jaw 'rest' for now. I'll see the dentist again in Feb. and get the MRI results and then see what I'm going to do next. In the meantime, part of my mouth guard has broken off and the dentist has not yet returned my call. (Great service as is the norm these days.)

I've had three experiences this week alone where I have called a place of business, left a concise message along with my name and telephone number and never received a return call....the dentist, a government office and a restaurant. Annoying! Don't have an answering machine if you aren't going to respond to callers!!! Grrrrrrrr.....

Here's some more "numbing news" just for you ROMOS. I had to see the dentist again today, Dec. 21, (part of the guard broke off) and he said my jaw is still dislocated and don't do ANYTHING right now except "wait patiently". I have 2 dentists looking after me for this problem and they both keep saying the same thing. Ugh!
(Apparently, they don't know me very well.) :)
Are you even 'number' now? lol
(Apparently, they don't know me very well.) :)
Are you even 'number' now? lol

The way I understand it, TMJ is a large, general term for jaw problems. People have various symptoms which they (patients) refer to as TMJ....clicking, grinding, jaw pain, ear pain, etc. and sometimes the jaw actually comes apart...dislocates! Ouch! Mine is healing slower than it should which is probably due to age. He told me yesterday that if I hear a loud bang, not to worry. That will be the jaw dropping back into place. I imagine that will feel "a little uncomfortable" when it happens. Eeeeeekkkkkk....
I have not read a book in about 40 years,,i only look at the newspaper to see the sports..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Are you trying to be nice Nom,or are you firing a shot at me..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..and i guess my avatar would tell you i am Aussie..
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