8 Answers
Sure, let's make it 'okay' for women to degrade themselves. Servicing all those high class men will no doubt help their low self esteem. Also, the government along with the WHO, will be able to pat themselves on the back, by letting the public know how 'helpful' they are to the ladies on the night shift. They (mostly men) will be keeping the ladies safe and providing some health care. What a great group of heroic men!
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Well, that's a whole new can of worms. Certainly, as a legal profession, and likely "self-employed", it would be a headache for tax purposes here in the state. If restaurant personnel have to pay taxes on some pre-determined gratuity amount, would the prostitutes need to pay taxes on some preconceived income amount as well? Would they have to post health certificates, be bonded, establish a union, post a "menu"?
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I'm afraid of what it might do to the "working girl". On one hand, legalized prostitution would just about garuntee your personal safety. Kind of like a dog having all of it's shots. Legalizing it will run your average plane Janes out of a job. These girls are working for a reason...
9 years ago. Rating: 2 | |