    Carolyn Walker-Diallo, Muslim judge, sworn in on Koran in Brooklyn, Since then, there has been backlash, death threats.

    I say "What's the big deal?" Judges traditionally get sworn in on the bible. The Koran is the Moslem version of it; she doesn't believe in the bible.


    +3  Views: 725 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    Think about why this would be a big deal, because it is. Under the current "climate", it can be seen as threatening.

    4 Answers

    I'm guessing that this woman is above average intelligence. I'm equally sure that she stays on top of the news. Is it not quite possible that she was fully aware that this would be an issue, sensitive enough to create some backlash, BEFORE she took an oath? Was she really just taking an oath? Or was she taking a stand? Proving a point? Or simply being charmingly defiant? I'm sure she was capable of figuring out a way to take her oath, without flaunting it before the media.


    Very perceptive of the forest in the trees, Ducky!

    Thank you.

    The problem may be in the interpretation. It may be in the tradition, but American traditions don't seem to hold much value. It may be the fact that some Koran believers have sworn to kill "westerners" , citing the Koran as the directive. 

    I'm old-fashioned. She's not required to believe any part of the Bible other than one holy God, she's asked to swear to the one God our nation was founded upon....same one she believes in, nothing to do with prophets.

    Death threats is unacceptable. Arrest them for making terrorist threats.

    In her religion, it is unacceptable to break an oath. Her religion calls for the Quran being used to make that promise whole. What’s the big deal? I’m surprised thy felt the need to use any book of faith at all. They don’t make you swear in to be a witness anymore……..



    There is no deity except Allh, Muhammad is His messenger

    Belief in Islam means

    • Belief in One God, Allah in Arabic.

    • Belief in all of God's messengers. Belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) as His last messenger.

    1. Belief in all the books sent down to His prophets. These books include Torah, Zabur, Injeel (Gospel) and Quran. The Holy Quran is the only divine book in extant today in the original revealed form.

    2. Belief in the existence of angels.

    3. Belief in the Day of Judgment, Life after Death, Heaven and Hell.

    4. Belief in the Divine Decree or Predestination, its good and its bad.


    There is no deity except Allh, Muhammad is His messenger

    Belief in Islam means

    • Belief in One God, Allah in Arabic.

    • Belief in all of God's messengers. Belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) as His last messenger.

    1. Belief in all the books sent down to His prophets. These books include Torah, Zabur, Injeel (Gospel) and Quran. The Holy Quran is the only divine book in extant today in the original revealed form.

    2. Belief in the existence of angels.

    3. Belief in the Day of Judgment, Life after Death, Heaven and Hell.

    4. Belief in the Divine Decree or Predestination, its good and its bad.


    There is no deity except Allh, Muhammad is His messenger

    Belief in Islam means

    • Belief in One God, Allah in Arabic.

    • Belief in all of God's messengers. Belief in Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) as His last messenger.

    1. Belief in all the books sent down to His prophets. These books include Torah, Zabur, Injeel (Gospel) and Quran. The Holy Quran is the only divine book in extant today in the original revealed form.

    2. Belief in the existence of angels.

    3. Belief in the Day of Judgment, Life after Death, Heaven and Hell.

    4. Belief in the Divine Decree or Predestination, its good and its bad.


    terryfossil 1

    Day of judgement,life after death,heaven and hell,,,so where do they find this life with a heap of virgins if they die as a martyr..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    You might want to read a LOT more than subtitles.
    terryfossil 1

    How do you mean Bob..?????..>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    It looks like the table of contents. A chapter title doesn't always tell you what's IN the text. There are a lot ot any holy book one doesn't know without seriously studying it. Posting generalizations like this is misleading, in my opinion.
    terryfossil 1

    I read a bit of a quarn english translation,,they talk of the birth of Christ,but not of his teachings,,or of the disciples,they only talk of the old testament,,and when they have God talking,they use the word " we" ,,but they do not believe in ( the father the son and the holy ghost)so who is " we" .and without the teachings of the New Testament,there is only teaching of death..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    There are major differences in this faith compared to yours or mine. Since they do not believe in a triumvirate, you might come to the conclusion theirs is a different god, for starters...
    terryfossil 1

    They seem to use half of my God and half of a made up God Bob,,but where did they get the made up God from..???????

    I'm not really familiar with the religion, having only studied Muhammad briefly in Western Civilization last spring. The deity of every religion is real to them, not "made up". I just know that Christians believe in the trinity, where many other religions don't. If we disagree on that, we must be talking about a different concept.
    terryfossil 1

    Bob there is nothing to disagree on at this point,,i have an interest in finding out how they come to believe in all this killing for their god,,and why their god would give them virgins for dying for the Christian book the misuse of sex is a bad thing,,in their book if they die for him they get more sex...very much opposites..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<.. read some of this Bob,it is a bit of an eye opener and let me know what you think,,

    Sounds like some serious misconceptions or misunderstandings. I will let you know what I find out in my class!

    If this needs to be debated,then it is already too late..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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