    When dogs die,where do they go..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    So you think you know..???????check this out ,then let me know what you think..;pas=1

    +4  Views: 1677 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    I do believe that animals have a least mammals do dogs, cats, horses, etc.  And I believe that they go to either a special heaven for pets, or to people heaven. Then , we would see our pets again in heaven.

    Their dog died and it was replaced with a rabbit? No dog in this video that I can see. 

    I think those folks have a video of their dog mixed in with what they were filming, all my dogs are stuck in my heart where they shall remain until it stops.

    Mine went to the backyard,just behind the kid's trampoline.

    terryfossil 1

    Check your lounge room now and again Tom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Haha! No...Pip's gone.I still have good memories tho.

    That little video didn't impress me as realistic, either, ROMOS.  There was no reason to be filming the floor. 

    There was a spot just outside my parent's brick fence that had a walnut tree enclosed with a chain link fence.  Many a beloved pet is buried around the fence, including Ernie, my wonderful dachshund who died in 1988. 


    I always thought they went to that great "barking lot in the sky "  !


    ha ha :-D

    I want to be logical and say “nowhere”, they just died. BUT, I’ve heard pets that have passed or felt them around. Sometimes James hears them at the same time as me!



    jh, the day I got my stray cat euthanized, b/c he had been got by a dog,. I heard his voice in my back yard after he was dead

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