    When is winter here for you?

    The first day of winter is coming up in a few. I was in shorts yesterday and we had to turn on the ac. I’ve worn one jacket so far. Waiting, waiting……….


    +9  Views: 630 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Winter for me is when there is snow on the ground and I need a warm winter jacket. As of today (Dec. 13/15) it's cool but we have no snow and it's raining. Unbelievable for us at this time of year. It's okay with me because I don't ski or snowmobile but the local ski hills are already suffering financially.      :(


    I know! Our winter vendors are complaining about no snow But maybe this week we might get a little!

    WINTER.??????????? whats that.????? I live in Queensland the sunshine state,,,,Beautiful one day Perfect the next..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""

    Winter??? Oh yeah! We get that for about 3-4 days,usually in about June or July.


    Poor guy! :)

    D'ya think Lu?? Have a look at Terryfossil's picture.LOL

    Well we had a snowfall in November but now record warm weather! Scares me !  I would like to see a "LITTLE" white for Christmas!



    ....was trying to close out an advertisement.

    December 23, I think?  We are enjoying so much rain lately, which is definitely autumn weather, and the other night there was some fog, which is autumn/winter.

    For sure, when I can stand a raw egg up on its end, it's either summer solstice or winter solstice!


    Not very wintery here yet, South East UK. It's damp , chilly at times, but not too cold. The North of England has had a lot of rain, storms and floods. And I think Scotland has had some wintery weather already.  


    With lots more to come, woot woot!


    When it gets cold for awhile. It's been in the 60's in NYC the last few days. A rarity for so late into fall. I had Italian ices for the FIRST TIME EVER in December! By the way, where was that picture taken? I know it wasn't Austin (lol)?

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