    Okay, let me play fair. What DO you like about Trump?

    Not a thing but then I'm not answering my own question.....

    +4  Views: 846 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    you just did

    7 Answers

    What I like about Donald Trump, is that he is different from other politicians. Although abrasive in the WAY he speaks, he does not design his speeches so as to 'offend the least number of voters', which is what many politicians do. He actually speaks what he thinks. Apparently, it coincides with what many Americans also think!

    I have to wonder how many Americans (especially those whose criticisms are never specific - "I don't like him") actually watch debates? More likely the answer is something like "I don't like politics" or "I don't watch because the candidates are all the same". I like to ask, "Can you give me an example of what you mean"?


    Ann Frank died because her father's request for asylum in the US was denied because he was a Jew. The ban of Jews continued until LBJ began smuggling Jews in through the Galveston Port. Yes, that recently. And Trump wants to build fences and deny entry to a country formed of pure immigrants? That's the majority of why I don't like him. What he has in voice, he lacks in imagination. He talks through his hat. Only the scared, uncaring, "I was here first " persons can't see that. He frightens me, I believe he would push the button. He doesn't think like a man in charge of many diversities.....

    His key word....."temporary" until we (politicians) can figure out what's going on...I assume he means set up a system instead of just being 'nice' and continuing to say "Sure, come on over. Maybe the vetting works...maybe not. Ho for me".
    And I agree, he needs to tone it down and think before he speaks.
    I'll have to read the 'Diary of Anne Frank' again. I don't remember that she wrote about her father seeking asylum in the U.S. :(

    She didn't, it's just a fact. A great many Jews were denied entry. LBJ (yes, as late as that) saw to the smuggling of Jews in through Galveston.... I'll see what I can find on the subject...

    Thanks. I will read it.

    He is not a politician, least likely to be bought for special interest. Right now big businesses are probably sweating their future because they are use to making their business by paying politicians. I am not happy and tired of current politicians. I will say that if Trump will keep this mouth shut he will have a better chance. The RNC is concerned because they want to win but not Trump. Other contenders worried about Trump - Carson not have experience, well too bad. As far as I am concerned that's what good presidental advisors are for. I believe Trump will build up nations defense, and do something about IRS. I don't want to vote for another politician for president.  Its time for an American common sense business person. Male or FEMALE !!  Which i think are only three possible .

    The 'Comb Over'! Isn't it fabulous?

    terryfossil 1

    Can we get him to come to Aussie Tom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    If he ha a haircut Terry.LOL

    I really don't like anything about him, but then he talks a good line of b---L sh- - -


    "Can I buy a vowel?"

    Specifically mcm, what do you not like about his policies? Did you like anything that he has said during the debates? How do you think he compares to the other Republican candidates? Which Democratic candidate do you like? Why?

    Is this an essay test ?
    Clonge's the "Wheel of Fortune", LOL!

    clonge, I like your wit ! LOL

    @mcm...You've just made my point! If you don't like anything about Trump, I assume you've at least heard him speak and can therefore 'discuss' his qualities/policies or lack thereof? Surely, you're not just "a repeater"? I guess you're aware that the next debate with all the Republican candidates is Tuesday, Dec. 15/15? BTW, who is YOUR favorite Republican or Democratic candidate?

    What I like about Donald Trump is that he is saying OUT LOUD what a lot of Americans are thinking but afraid to say because they'll be persecuted for being "politically incorrect". 
    Since making his statement about restricting immigration temporarily, his support numbers have increased dramatically in several polls across the nation. Evidently, what he says makes sense to a growing number of people who have paid their taxes and supported their country and expect their leaders to do whatever it takes to keep them as safe as possible...and to just as many who have struggled to get by and appreciated the help their fellow citizens have afforded them. 

    I actually hope another candidate gets the nomination, because I don't think Trump knows how to compromise.   


    We have our own version of Mr Trump.Pauline Hanson.
    terryfossil 1 Read the last post of Max Shekel says it all..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..p.s. i hope the link works...

    Sorry, Phyllis! That's what happens when I sometimes type fast. Of course I know how to spell your name. One of my favorite cousins passed away in September, and her name was Phyllis. Oh yeah? Phyllis, "____________!"

    Clonge, I'm not going to look at your reference. If you can't spell my name right after all these years...

    Your name's not on this site, PKB
    terryfossil 1

    Bob name is on her profile MCM..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    terry, don't bother. brick wall and all

    I like everything about Trump except for his big mouth and his bragging style. I don't think he can build a wall at the border but I would be there helping if it was possible. I am tired of all the illegals entering this country while those of us who are trying to sponsor immigrants the legal way are put on hold for 20-30 years. I have spent hundreds of dollars in application fees trying to get my wife's son and family here only to be told they are processing applications from back in the 80's at this time! 

    His ideas about rebuilding our economy and strengthening our military are greatly needed.


    That is ridiculous to lie about the applications for your wife's family. When people spend that much time and money for naught, it starts to become apparent why so many are just taking matters into their own hands. Hoping the waiting will not be much longer, Flip.

    His money,and he knows how to cut a rug,

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