    Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?

    I can only think of one year (while living in Indiana) that we opened our gifts on Christmas morning. I've grown up thinking/feeling Christmas Eve is actually Christmas instead of the night before Christmas. What about you!

    +4  Views: 656 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    3 Answers

    Oh, jeez! We weren't allowed near the gifts until Christmas day. But upon arising we all were overwhelmed with all that Santa brought! It was really, really cool. Oh, oh. I'm tearing up !

    country bumpkin

    Happy tears! :)

    NEVER have opened the gifts before Christmas morning!  Now that my sons are on their own, and there are in-laws in the picture, and their Dad has remarried, I feel really thankful the "kids" are coming for brunch, where the gifts will be opened.....a lot fewer gifts than last year, trust me!

    country bumpkin

    We must have been the Christmas eve oddballs. LOL
    I'm sure you'll have a lovely brunch with the family.

    Thanks, CB! If I have the food ready and can simply enjoy the craziness of all those people at the same time, it will be the best gift I'll receive.

    When I was a kid we opened Santa gifts on Christmas morn. But got to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Now we have given up gift giving for our family We just do gifts for the little ones. And do to weird work hours we let the young ones open theirs at what ever get together we're at. Anywhere between Dec. 15th until Dec 27th. That's for this year! Merry Christmas to all!


    country bumpkin

    I like the idea of opening one gift on Christmas Eve and saving the rest for Christmas Day.
    Merry Christmas Clu!

    Merry Christmas, CB

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