    what is the most special gift you ever given?

    What gift required thought and planning. Not necessarily the most expensive ....

    +3  Views: 520 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    3 Answers

    Most of my gifts are very well thought out, but I don't think it's up to me to decide how special the gift is, it is up to the recipient to decide how special the gift is to he or she.


    I would think a gift of a new car,such as a jag 2.5 litre,a nice gift from anyone,
    country bumpkin

    Dennis old Jag's are my favorite cars.

    I've gotten David a Kindle Fire with a goose neck arm to place it within his teach. Now he won't be flipping through my FB messages......
    country bumpkin

    Sounds like a nice gift Julie.

    I always wanted a kindle,wish I knew somone who was kind enough to buy me one for Xmas,??

    I have two sweaters my dad used to wear.  They have been mended, had new buttons attached, and been to the dry cleaners.  My dad was an excellent provider for our family....he worked hard, didn't call attention to himself when he was philanthropic, and took care of us unfailingly.  My most memorable time with my dad was on my wedding day when I was in a state of nerves and crying.  He came into my room, asked me what was wrong and patted my shoulder, assuring me everything would be OK.  Doesn't sound like much, but coming from Dad, it was huge.

    Two of my sons have children of their own.  It will be my pleasure to give them one of my dad's sweaters to signify they are the quality of man their grandpa was.  Those will be the most special gifts I will give.  Whether or not they will be recognized as such is not for me to say.


    That sounds the nices gift of all Bob,

    Thank you, hector. I appreciate your taking the time to read my answer and respond in a positive way. :D

    My two daughters, who have turned out well in spite of a drunken incompetent mother

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