    What is the most treasured gift you ever got from Santa?

    My mom would sign many of our gifts as from Santa.....

    +2  Views: 543 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    I sign some gifts Love from Mama Claus lol ;)

    3 Answers

    My first "big" bike, it was just the frame but it was a famous frame and I acquired and assembled the rest of the bike myself, had it for years until some B'rd stole it, the first big love of my life, weepsy weep!



    Why that so and so !
    It will please you to know that I have recently commissioned a bike to be made for my eldest for xmas.... she is gonna love it... all decked out with wide cruiser handlebars, a saddle seat and two big carrier baskets front and back... lights, the whole bit for city cruising! Victoria city is built for cyclists!
    Ho Ho Ho says Mama Clause! ;D

    Hope she loves the touring as much as I did, tell her that Roy is with her on the trip, you know"trip" as in a bike trip yep, that's what trip, yep!

    LOL ... there's no trip without a tripper man ... LOL

    Well, what a contradiction.  First we are being asked when we were first told, or were led to believe that there is no Santa Claus, and now we are being asked what was the best gift we ever received from Santa. 

    I received no gifts from Santa.  He gave my parents a list of things he knew I would like and they picked out some to give me. 


    Until her dying day my mother would sign some of her gifts as From Santa. A nice, Christmas -y touch and they were always special. Curious, I didn't ask the deletion of Santa question. When did he die for you?

    Santa has never "died". I have 3 sons who grew up with Santa bringing them gifts. I have grandchildren who can enjoy the spirit of Santa as long as they want. I'll support them

    Oh, so you still think he's real?

    Yep, I'll support any kid who says Santa is real, and I'll denounce anyone who tells a kid he isn't.
    I have a lot to do today, and debating the existence of Santa and the reality of terrorism isn't on the list.

    I certainly didn't deny the myth. And I support it by like in writing "Santa" on those special gifts. You're getting good at putting unspoken, or in this case,unwritten words in my mouth.


    This gorgeous handmade Cowichan sweater vest!!

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