Has Donald Trump hit the nail on the head..is he right,can they be identified..??????Trump does seem to be a cut above politicians..But i am an Aussie,,what do Americans think of him..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/07/politics/donald-trump-muslim-ban-immigration/
11 Answers
In 1980, then President Jimmy Carter put a ban on Iranian immigrants due to the hostage situation that existed at the time. It didn't cause nearly the stink Trump's suggestion has caused.
Personally, I think a ban on ALL immigration might be a good idea, so that policies and procedures that are in disarray can be restated and updated. AND, that way nobody is being "picked on".
Trump may be outspoken, ill-mannered and loud-mouth, but he is saying what a lot of Americans are thinking and afraid to say. He's"politically incorrect" enough to say so. "The media", both sides, are so busy condemning him, they (and some of the pundits of the Republican party) seem to be forgetting that many, many, many citizens here want things to change.
Let's just hope that the will of the PEOPLE is respected.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

He gets attention for sure. He's a great salesperson and has been all over the news media (yet again) today, after speaking last night. What do Americans think of him? They are all over the news media today too....pundits, analysts, other politicians, backers from both sides, news anchors....it depends on who you listen to.
As a Canadian, we are very much affected by the President of the U.S.A. Let's hope they elect the 'right person', whomever that may be.
9 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
NO, this person is an A$$HOLE and he speaks what comes from an A$$HOLE.
Real Americans aren't stupid enough to listen to this person.
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Personally, I think he may very well get the Republican nomination and if not, his next attempt will be as an Independent.

I'm a "real" American, ROMOS. The man doesn't have the tact of a flea, but he's at least offering an option; our president is worried about .0004 degree climate change over the past 80 years.
Nuff said.................but don't let that person get anywhere near the White House.
Trump is loud, aggressive, and uncouth, offering a radical solution to a radical problem, but people may be more willing to give information that could help destroy these "cells" if there was an incentive.
What some of us want to hear is a workable, viable, immediate- as- you-can-get solution instead of rhetoric that is stale, stubborn, and old. Wolves and sheep. OK, you want analogies.
The USA is a big pen of sheep. There are some crazed wolves in the pen, but they have been there, born there, and they get hold of some of the sheep and kill them. There are so many sheep (and wolves) that it's hard for the shepherds to pinpoint where the wolves are and get rid of them. Sadly, they are being found only after they have attacked the sheep.
Someone wants to give the USA a whole bunch more sheep, but the number of wolves that could be in this new flock could be a pretty high percentage, and these wolves are extremely dangerous, as they are determined to kill as many of the existing sheep as possible. These are, literally, wolves in sheep's clothing, finding their way in disguised as the new sheep being introduced.
YOU don't want to put any more of YOUR sheep at risk with the new wolves and are trying to figure out what to do to get the new sheep in safely without risking letting in the wolves at the same time. Again, let me emphasize that you DON'T want to put your sheep at any more risk.
If you choose to attack me on this website, Julie, I will defend myself.
ROMOS, when so many people are fearful, they are hostages by proxy. It is a real and serious situation, from coast to coast. Our country is in the process of being besieged. Doing nothing is not the answer for me.
My personal preference is for another candidate, by the way. Trump has leadership experience and is a highly successful businessman, by virtue of his wealth and bullying. Whether he is respected or admired is a different story. His lack of tact and finesse, and inability to compromise for the sake of mutual benefit makes him an undesirable choice for me. I do hope one of the politicians running can distance himself from that politician identification and emerge as a PERSON.
My personal thought is that anyone who wants to commit mass murder has a "mental problem".
I'm afraid, very afraid. He's stupid enough to push THE BUTTON. God help us AND the world if he actually makes it in.....
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

Carter banned Iranian immigrants in response to a hostage crisis. The US put Japanese in camps during WWII following the attack at Pearl Harbor. A potential problem, a temporary solution. End of problem, end of temporary solution.
I don't like political stuff and try to refrain from my opinion but this guy is just SCARY!
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
He is to all intent and puposes ,the moden version of a reicanated Adolf and in all that could come to pass,if the are fool enough to elect him ,
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Trump is a big mouthed racist bigoted egomaniac bully with waaaay too much money on his hands. He should be perfect. But he'll never get the chance due to his latest remarks ... http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/08/politics/donald-trump-josh-earnest-disqualified-president-muslims/index.html
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I'll have to review the Constitution to find the part that deals with immigration. Thanks for responding to my question!
He's a big blowhard
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
As far as I am concerned I would prefer to vote for a non politician and somebody with business experience. Politicians had their chance. Its republicans own fault for being so weak . Just let the muslims in and their BS sharia law , see what happens. Then you wont be bashing Trump. They cant stop the terrorists from coming in with them. I've got my concealed license for protection.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
"The mistake here lies not in the numbers but in the words “Christian” and “Muslim”. Sometimes religion is a cause – or at least an excuse – like in the bombings by Christian extremist Eric Rudolph or the genocide in Sudan. But most often it is not. Calling, say, the 9/11 terrorists “Muslim” is like calling Hitler “Christian”: true yet misleading. It is Islamophobia, not a serious attempt to understand the world as it is."
The problem is not any social group...The use of Hypnosis is a violation of personal free will. It's use by secret agents produces groups of similarly indoctrinated persons who will, on que, behave in their instructed manner as if the 'Will of God' were their one clear instruction from God. Hypnosis is the usurpation of the will of God. The crime is always known by God...why else is there guilt, Hades, and occasional vapor states...poof!
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
• a person who habitually plays the fool.
The Twin Towers were designed to come down as they did to enable other structures to be built there. The CIA used this as a justification to go to war and keep our military fully funded. Accidents happen but hypnosis inspires seemingly ordinary folk to leap into armed conflict and perhaps drive nicely painted air-craft into empty buildings...then too there are deaths to give meaning to. Dead folk are used as seat fillers in such events then claimed to have been there in exchange for financial compensation and a story about how they happen to be there. If it leads to war after 1954 then it was probably staged to support the biggest military on the planet...by far. ...And this is to prevent much bigger wars than our On-Going Little Wars that controls and manipulates populations to build and occupy the taxable hovels there that are a bit up-scale from their previous digs that were not all that bad. It's about money.
***The Twin towers were designed to collapse rather than to break-down and fall into other nearby structures...if these structures were hit by a large aircraft 1/3 from the top of the structure. Many people die every day and gaining informed consent to use a dead relatives body for (blank) reasons is too easy to ignore...(AKA...Soylent Green is made of people, a movie starring Charlton Heston.
A quick lesson or two about USA style War. To prevent world war we have a vast military that is larger than the next top seven militaries in the world combined. To maintain our military we sell of guns and ammo along with military support materials to any nation~~everyone on the planet. Old military gear goes to everyone cheap or in trade. How to inspire war?....Hypnotize Selected teachers/leaders to hypnotize students, children and others in how to build bombs, kill, and on-que do what they were told to do as if it is the very word of God to go forth and do their dirty deed. The special key phrase triggers the hypnotized directive. When triggered, all of that training comes in to their un-warry mind as if God had directed their every move even to death and into the rewards of Heaven upon dying.I have seen many who saw their actions as at the very hands of God in their life, without remorse, suspicion, or the slightest fear or concern for their own life...Just their God-Given task.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |