    Why Is the Life of Plants Far Longer Than Animals?

    A small part of specialized cells existed in plant growth axis drive the process, which enables these stem cells can be divided at a high frequency. Such cells have a unique feature: while original mother cells are maintaining stem cell activity, daughter cells can acquire a certain specialization. 

    +1  Views: 1269 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    Really? Is this our lesson of the day or do you have a question?

    6 Answers

    How Plants Work>>

    After plants die, they come back up . Look at grass.........that's what it does in the winter time.....then in the spring.So, if you don't believe in Life after Death, look at plants.

    I use to be a flower pot man in early life,since then I have grown into bigger things


    You're still in the early part of your life, Hectie. You're only 30

    A tree? :)

    Have you any parts that are shrivelling or wilting yet Dennis.

    only the parts that don't get so much of the sun Dave,,

    Which came first plants or animals ? Plants don't eat animals. Plants came first.


    the Bible says plants came first. Then, God created man ( and woman ) Man screwed things up, that's why He created a woman. The Bible even says He created a woman to help a man.

    I dot believe god is a man. A man could never create such beauty. Only a woman could do it.

    I think God is love and is not male or female.

    Then he reolized men could not cook,so he made womem,

    Oh come on Hector! There are many male chefs in the world!

    Zorro, Clu is on the right tract.

    I know that, thank you.
    robert grist

    Mushrooms proceeded vegetation. There were mushrooms that were over 100 feet tall and have been found as coal deposits globally.

    Hey Robert ! I would love that mushroom! We get Morels in the spring , but they are hard to find and NO ONE tells you where they found theirs!

    Morels are the best. I prefer a morel over steak any day.

    We are spiritual beings having a human experience. We are created as perfect spiritual beings,all knowing and we indwell various life-forms for the purpose of gaining experience. Experiencing life in various forms provides an expanding basis for understanding and expanding our experience in all the different ways imaginable and accessible to us along the lines of our progress. Many life forms are little more than a simple cycle of life that rigidly loops along a specific path of progress that does not easily change, offering very little in that experience. Human botanist,  study plants and sometimes succeed altering their forms.     


    where've you been lately, Robert ?
    robert grist

    My work here has nearly taken all of my free time...I now have a little more time with the winter rain and snow...Haven't see much for the last two years. It will probably flood here this spring in Mt Shasta (California) and area .

    I am not a biologist, so I am not sure if this is because animals and plants have different amino acid according to the quantitative amino acid analysis.

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