    Do doctors need to look down 'there' at 13?

    I'm a girl and 13, my brothers, one younger and one older said they had to have there checked last time but i didn't and i'm just wondering if this time i'll have to

    +3  Views: 1917 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    Sweetie, you are 13 therefore your body is changing into a woman's body. The size and shape of your body is changing so  your breast are becoming larger, hair is growing on your legs, underneath your armpits and your private areas and you should be experiencing a monthly period (menstruation). 

    It's a good idea for your parents to set up an appointment with a doctor (Gynecologist) to form a pelvic exam so the doctor can see how well you're  blossoming  into a young lady and to reassure you that everything is normal.


    If your doctor is a male doctor he will have a female nurse come into the examining room with you and your mom can stay in the room with you too so you won't be alone. Ask your mom if she will make an appointment with a female doctor if you don't want a male doctor looking at your private parts.

    Kids Health:

    As girls grow into teens, it's important that they receive appropriate medical care. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends that young women have their first visit with an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB/GYN) between the ages of 13 and 15.

    For most teens, the first visit will include an external examination of the genitals but not an internal examination of the reproductive organs, which is recommended beginning at age 21 for healthy women. However, if your daughter has abnormal vaginal bleeding, painful periods, unusual vaginal secretions, or other problems that may be associated with her reproductive health, she may need a pelvic exam sooner.

    The idea of seeing a gynecologist or having a pelvic exam can make a girl feel nervous, embarrassed, or scared. By explaining why the visit is necessary, giving your daughter a sense of what to expect, and addressing any questions or fears she might have, you can help her feel more comfortable about taking this step.

    Explaining the Importance of the Visit

    Chances are, your daughter has associated visits to the doctor with health problems. She may not understand why she would go to the doctor when she feels perfectly fine.

    Explain that the visit serves at least three main purposes:

    1. Information. She can get accurate information and confidential answers to any questions she may have concerning sex, sexuality, her changing body, and menstruation.

    2. Prevention. She can learn about pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted diseases, and healthy lifestyles.

    3. Treatment. For girls who experience missed periods, pain, or other reproductive problems, the doctor can look into why the problems are occurring and offer treatment.

    Also, you may want to reassure your daughter that even though there are a lot of different parts of the gynecological visit, the actual physical exam — and the part she might feel most uncomfortable about — doesn't take long.

    Read more here>>



    Not necessarily, the only reason a doctor would, is if you report a problem with that area to him.

    Have you (or your mother) expressed a health issue or some kind of concern regarding  that area of your body? If not, I would say no. You are too young to need a general check up "down there".


    Please tell me you are not sexually active! But you need to see an OBGYN to talk about birth control if you are……...

    This wont be the last time. better to have checkups than not. Just do like the rest of us, grin and bear it.


    I think you spelled 'bear' wrong .... LOL !!!

    If your brothers are uncircumcised, it's possible a doctor would examine "down there", as well as the development of their testicles. 
    Remembering back, I didn't have an exam "down there" when I was your age.  Unless you have a medical condition where that exam would be helpful, you shouldn't have to worry about it.

    Not really  !! Time for my 5 year you know what scope.

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