    What would you do if diagnosed with a terminal illness and only given days to live?

    Oh, and you’re in horrible pain……...




    +7  Views: 853 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    Gregory House is a disturbed man.

    Best photo I could post.....

    10 Answers

    Borrow your gun.


    LOL!! Can I have it after you're "finished"?

    Now, we DON'T believe in gun control, right?

    I shall return to give it to you alone!

    Thank you! I believe you.

    If I had enough medication to control the pain I would write my son several letters to open and read on special occasions such as his engagement, wedding day, birth of first child, 40th birthday etc. I would contact all my friends and family to tell them one last time how much I love them.  I would ask Roy to hold me tight and stay with me until I take my last breath. I would also say my final prayers asking God to watch over my loved ones, give them strength and comfort them through their grieving period.


    Aaaaawwwwww..... :(

    It's too bad that someone removed my sweet and kind comment about Roy

    @mcm...It's too bad that you regularly complain about your comments being removed. As far as know, NONE of your complaints are EVER legitimate!

    I would call a few people with whom I tend to get out of touch and then read a good book to distract from the pain....I guess.


    It's hard to know what I would do. I'm not there.


    Share the gun!

    Friends are like that CB. lol
    country bumpkin

    I Know! LOL

    Stop with the "LOL", this is serious, ffs!


    Guns are messy!

    But we won't be around to clean up the mess.

    Play my Frank Sinatra record i did it my way,

    ""JH,,an honest answer to a fairly serious question of this kind is impossible to give,,nobody can unless they have walked in those shoes,,


    Terry. I kind of walked in those shoes, b/c my husb had terminal cancer, and i went thru it with him.

    I would just ask for more PAIN meds and lay down!   I don't want anyone sitting beside me I just want to go!  Remember me how I always was to you! Peace be with all of you!



    I like your answer. I don't even want a service.....

    But! It's not that time yet! Go for the GUSTO!

    C'mon Julie. It's holiday season. Can't you think of something a little more cheerful? LOL!


    Oh, sweetheart, I've got the spirit! Buying just because they'll like it and so excited I want to deliver early! But you see, Mary was in that situation and I took all the guns cause I feared for her AND her bed ridden husband. Knowing what I did, I think I did right but then who am I? Regardless, David is ok and I've bought him a Kindle Fire!

    And we just sent out plain Jane Xmas cards containing a $2 bill and a dollar coin. Cool, huh?

    You sent cards with Money? Am I not on your card list?

    Oops! We didn't buy enough cards. We only bought 15....

    That sounds well wicked Juilie,

    Well WICKED?

    That means Great or Good in England,or you could say Well sick,thats very very {{GOOD}}

    Call in the troops and tell them where all the "important papers" are, if I haven't gotten around to it yet.  Hopefully, I'll have everything in order before that happens.
    Spend the rest of the time with whoever is willing to hang around, and certainly spend time in prayer. 

    I've asked myself that question many times, especially b/c I did, in fact, have cancer 8 yrs ago. When my late husband was diagnosed with a terminal type of cancer, the first thing he did was have him and me go to a lawyer and draw up a living trust. A will is no good, b/c it goes thru probate and your heirs have a long legal hassle to wait it out. But, with a Living Trust, your estate goes right to your heirs right away. And while you're drawing it up., you also have to pick someone for  your medical advocate and pick someone to be your legal power of attorney.........should you become unable to read you mail and take care of your bills and paper work.You have to pick a secondary person  in both cases for if the first person can't do it.  The first thing I would do now, is clean up this clutter and all this crap around the house so my step daughter wouldn't see it and wouldn't be burdened with it should I die. The house is supposed to go to her.She lives in another state and hasn't seen the house in years.

    I would print out copies of my life story which I have saved on my computer and send it to my kids. I truly wish I knew more about my parent's lives before my lifetime.

    There are many more things I would do if not for the horrible pain....


    Great pain is a bitch....

    I gave my mom a book to record specific things about her life for my kids to enjoy, not really thinking she would bother. My joy was great to find that she had taken the time (and I have no idea when) to complete the book....a priceless treasure in my estimation. Look for one, will, if nothing else, give you a leg up on figuring out some things to include. :D (I have one, also....very boring reading)
    country bumpkin

    Same here Flip, I know so very little about my biological dad and his family.

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