    Another shooting. This time in California.

    Yes, I've called Phyllis. No answer...   3 dead, 20 injured.  So far.....   Thoughts?

    +6  Views: 798 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    They were just talking about mass shootings last night on the CNN television network. A police chief stated that they happen every single day now in the U.S.A. (They are increasing in Canada as well.) We are living in one crazy society with citizens buying more and more guns, believing that that is the answer.       :( 


    You are so right. I read THE RIGHT WING NEWS (know thy enemy) and there are loads of people buying guns so they'll be ready when ISIS steps in front of them.....

    Three hundred and fifty five mass shootings (that is 4 or more) in the U.S.A. in far. Let's suppose it's a good idea for citizens to keep buying more guns. Will that make it stop? Will that save lives? I really don't get the logic. I know for sure that some of your fellow Americans don't get it either.

    Personally, I'll be buying a hand gun that will sit beside me, loaded, ready to blow away ANYBODY who tries to come into my home uninvited.

    I would be more inclined to install or upgrade a security system, make sure windows and doors have secure locks, have good outdoor lighting and maybe buy a trained German Shepherd. But then, I'm Canadian and I do not know one single person who owns a hand gun. We, at least the majority of us, believe that guns are for hunting. We (you and I) come from very different societies when it comes to "gun culture", that's for sure.

    My gun is an old, army issue that belonged to David that I took away when Mary was diagnosed and in so much pain. I have it in a safe. Turns out it’s rare and NEVER to be fired as one can’t find the parts for it anymore…..

    Well, an antique gun is a whole other thing isn't it? I'm sure when people are talking about too many guns and mass shootings, they are not referring to an antique gun collection that is disabled.

    One could break a window, be in your house and have you dead before the police show up. The alarm systems generally place a phone call before dispatching. My son has become a gun collector and enjoys going to a shooting range once or twice a month. Guns should not be sold with a security check. Guns should be sold with a security check AND a certificate that designates the person as being "qualified" to operate a gun safely. When the person signs up for the gun certification class, THAT'S where the in-depth background check can be done. Gun shops can verify the certificates through some impressive computer system I'll have my friend, Marlan, create. It will be infallible. This man knows his stuff....always has.

    Yes Bob, the intruder would be on me before I could say, "Bob's your uncle". We have security hooked up here but still leave windows opened in sprite of. I don't keep a bat or knife or pit bull. I just have the faith that nothing is going to happen and if it does, I'll have the wit to get myself out of it ....

    I have faith in God....not so much in mankind.

    In summation, I could have 10 guns in my home "for protection" and die in a car accident. No one can anticipate everything and being shot by a maniac entering my home, is only one item on a long list of possibilities. I only hope that I'm not lying in a hospital bed for months on end when it comes to THE END.

    Yes, Ducky, it's not for us to know

    Right and we can't.

    Guns! Guns! guns!  C'mon America! Time to wake up. GUN CONTROL!


    Many (not all) Americans have extreme fear of losing their rights, while people are being gunned down in their streets every single day!

    I own a gun, 9mm . Never shot it, never will. And will not give it up . Funny thing about americans, like people who own pit bulls.....
    country bumpkin

    Americans continue to be stupid!

    The right to bare arms?????so be it,


    The right to own and carry. Not to shoot to kill people....

       Terrorism..??????he was apparently a devout muslum,,,taking guns off people would not have helped here..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    as my dead uncle sunny, my dad's older brother, told me once regarding. "I'm keeping a gun because if somebody attacks me or breaks in my house, they might get the turkey, but i will get a sandwich."


    Your Uncle Sunny was a c;ever man…...

    Someone who wants to kill people WILL find a way, guns or no guns.  Why should millions of law-abiding citizens lose their right to bear arms/own a firearm because someone who PROBABLY didn't buy his arsenal LEGALLY goes on a rampage? Do you honestly feel an unarmed person is safer against attack than one who has the potential to defend himself?

    terryfossil 1 Interesting stats Bob..and that is just the kids>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    These people don't pick highly armed and trained individuals to kill, they pick innocent members of the public and they use the element of surprise, if guns were a lot harder to acquire, and I emphasise "a lot" I personally think there would be a lot less mass shootings, these instances are rare in countries with gun control, but you will ALWAYS have idiots and evil people abusing these laws.

    I agree with you , Bob. For once we're on the same side of the fence....

    The murder rate in the US last year was the lowest since 1966, as were the number of serious crimes committed.

    It seems, therefore, that you are less likely to be killed today but if you are, it will probably be with a gun.


    I never could imagine being in a gun shooting situation but given what happened last Wednesday, I don't know.....

    Every 16 minutes an American is shot dead.


    Wow. Put it that way…. but the American public will NOT give up their guns. Trust me. I know I won’t…...

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