    What superstition or old wives tails did your parents or grandparents subscribe to or adhere to ?

    I thought it would be fun if we traded stories about some old superstition that you used to hear at home. Do you have a few of your own ? Are you superstitious at all ? Have you told you kids some admonishments along these lines ?

    +4  Views: 607 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: folk tales

    7 Answers

     Babies are born in a cabbage patch,,,do not swallow your chewing gum or it will bung you not swallow watermelon seeds or they will grow inside you...if you want curly hair you must eat your bread crust..tell lies and your nose will grow..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..""


    Wow, I grew up with the very same tales! Except the baby ones…..

    So that's why they had those dolls in the 80s called, " Cabbage Patch Kids "

    "Do you want your face to freeze like that?"


    Old wives with tails are BAD luck! How about black cats ? Bad luck in"3's"? Yet a rabbits foot is good luck? Not to the rabbit!

    Ha Ha. Kids in my neighbor hood used to say that their mom told them that when they'd make faces. We made faces anyway. And they said if you chewed on the inside of your cheeks, etc, you'd get cancer. there's some truth to that.
    My dad used to say that if you hear of one death, you'll hear of 3. It usually happens like that.

    A bird in the bush,is worth more then two in the hand,


    What? How so? :)

    A "penny saved" is not worth much!


    Hector, I still say that to this day .

    Not a tale but a good lesson: If you hang around with crap, then you get some on you…  Oh, man; that should have been heard more harder……..


    jh, that was a good one

    keep your hands and feet warm so you won't get sick.


    or don't go out in the cold without a hat on, or you'll get sick. Ditto for not wearing a warm enough coat, or not having a sweater on under your coat.

    Knock on wood, which a lot of people do to this day, salt over the left shoulder and a purse or bag given as a gift must have a coin inside, which my wife whole heartily believe in, the Greeks have a good one, what ever door you enter their house you must leave the same  way.


    bullet, my dad used to knock on wood if he thought I was saying something to jinx something; or if I was saying something is going so well . Those are a lot of good examples of suspicions. Thx for answering .

    Almost all of the things you all have said were things my parents said to me.  Apparently, in my parents' day, colds were contracted through bare feet.  Watermelons grew from seeds in your belly, and swallowing gum would grow into a gigantic wad the more you swallowed.  If you crossed your eyes or made a face, it would freeze that way. 
    And, of course, they always questioned, when you did something stupid because your friends had done it, if you would jump off a bridge if your friends did that, too. 


    teachers said that too. And our parents said if you went swimming within an hour after eating you'd get cramps and drown.

    Yep. That was a big one. All to scare us to our bones

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