5 Answers
I do not understand your question Lilu,but from what i understand of climate change,the summit in Paris is a waste of time,,the earth will heat up and cool down in it's normal cycle,,the question is ,is man 's industralisation have an effect on it,for me the answer is no..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
The fools that said global warming is dangerous is somewhat a little correct , especially in china where pollution is horrible. BUT, here is the latest from what I understand. Scientists world wide collected data from everywhere except from the one place where it counts. NOAA satellite . According to NOAA their data shows earth is not warming as all the idiots say. Their conclusions do not include NOAA conclusions. So they are reporting what feeds their conclusions and want to promote. But again NOAA satellite measurements is now the standard because it is more accurate. Be glad the earth is warm though. Trouble occurs when it cools. It will happen again. Fossil fuels do put out a lot of pollution though.
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |