    Is Garcinia Cambogia Safe For My Mom?

    My Mom weight is about 110 kg and she always looking forward some fast ways to lose her weight. She had tried everything but with no extra fine results. A very close friend of my mom push her to try Whole Body Garcinia Cambogia and she said it contains 60% HCA which is 100% safe to use by Dr. Oz

    +2  Views: 680 Answers: 3 Posted: 9 years ago

    Your mom is fortunate to have a son who cares enough to find out for himself!

    haha yeah thank you so much.
    And correction please herself*

    OH! A daughter who cares enough....even better!

    No even better Lol

    3 Answers

    I was looking into that, too, but there is just enough uncertainty to deter me from it.  Your mom (and I) really need to eat less processed foods and get a little more exercise (probably).  As we get older, it truly does get more difficult.  Going for a ten minute walk three times a day is a good way to start and gets her out of the house and the circulation going. 
    Getting a smaller plate for her meals, or a smaller bowl will help curb portion size.  Drinking - not gulping, water before a meal will help feel fuller sooner.  Taking a bite of dessert instead of a portion of dessert is a good idea and helps not feel deprived.  Having a smart snack for those later in the evening hunger pangs is orange or apple, or a cup of hot tea.  Making sure not to have a meal after 7 (earlier if possible) is a big help. 
    I'd skip the stuff unless a doctor has prescribed it specifically for Mom. 
    There are many ways to "outsmart" one's self into losing weight. 


    thank you for your positive response

    Better and much safer option that WILL work....

    Eliminate processed sugar, desserts, and junk food.

    Add fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, salads and a daily walk....guaranteed!

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