    Why is it so hard to get justice RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As far as i am concerned, i would jail the judge for getting it wrong,because his life went along quite nicely thankyou>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..;cx_ab_test_variant=cx_trend&amp;cx_art_pos=1&amp;cx_navSource=arttop&amp;cx_tag=trend&amp;cx_rec_type=trend&amp;cx_ctrl_comp_grp=true&amp;cxrecs_s

    +5  Views: 1476 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    If this wasn't actually happening to somebody, it would be laughable.  Now it is just tragedy and injustice compounded. 
    The judge actually did what he had to do, but I surely hope someone gets this man his green card reinstated and extended. 
    I think he's been through MORE than enough, as has his family.  :(


    terryfossil 1

    I just do not get it Bob,,they just showed a 17 year old carry a knife,cop shot him 16 times while he is on the ground then reloaded,,this was October 2014,,they charged the cop with murder,,but why did all the other cops just stand there and watch him murder this boy,,I just don't get it..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry: I just heard on the radio, that the cop shooter's partner ordered him to stop firing. It appears that the evidence is overwhelming and he'll receive a loooooooong jail sentence. With the notoriety this case receives, hopefully, he won't last too long there.

    Terry... Do you think the cop would have been charged if the courts had not ordered the video to be released??? I doubt it. There are a LOT more than just a "few" bad apples in the bunch!

    Could you post a site for this news, please. It's hard to imagine what prompted the policeman's behavior.

    Thank you! This is absolutely horrible. Really leaves one speechless.
    terryfossil 1

    i could be wrong Bob,but i think they have recently said the kid had a gun so not charging the cop..i believe the gun might have been planted,,maybe yes maybe no..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    It is hard to focus on positive with all this bad stuff.

    If every judge who "got it wrong" in America was jailed, civil court and criminal court judges, there wouldn't be enough room for all of them. They should have to be tried, but that will never happen. Over-zealous and stupid prosecutors are part of the problem as well; I speak from personal experience, having been arrested for a crime with no investigation whatsoever. The case was dismissed after many months. I had a great lawyer. As Flip correctly states, the average person doesn't have the money.

    Why didn't the DA's office take any steps to correct the situation when they realized the rapes didn't stop while this innocent man rotted in prison for all those years??? It is a very corrupt system we have where the average person doesn't have the money it takes to fight these injustices. 


    Another real rub is the cost of an attorney! You must practically BE a thief to afford one. But, if our legal system were spot on, prosecutors and defenders would keep up with stuff like this and take the time to serve the public they have been hired to serve. Following up when the crimes continued...

    It’s all a matter of who has the better lawyer, really. Forget right and wrong. And the over zealous DA is out for blood!



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