    Do you think animals have dreams? I do!


    +8  Views: 897 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    10 Answers

    I'm sure. Why else would my cat run in his sleep or roust himself straight up from a soulful sleep and tear off running?


    Yes my cats do the same thing Julie, They will be sitting on my lap , then suddenly jump sky high and run off, funny little things.

    "" They most certainly do Clu..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Looks tasty! Bless their hearts! Love them dogs!

    Looks like a Boxer . We had one when I was little. My dad showed me how the dog was dreaming one night . She was lying on her side by the stove and trying to run in her sleep. Her legs were moving as if she was running and she was " talking " and trying to bark and whine in her sleep.

    Most definitely.............



    haha! little sunny :*

    I know, Julie!  I can see my dog running in his sleep! His feet move and his tail wag's Now he is so old he can barely walk! I hope his dreams are sweet :)



    Sorry This was supposed to be a comment!

    If he's your dog like you say, I know he's sweet....

    My cats definitely do dream, you can see their little paws running and chasing things.

    I think they do, if you watch while they are sleeping you can see REM just like us, when we are dreaming. :)

    Yes they dream.  just like the others say here, our little ones sometimes run in their sleep.  Dog was on a roll one night, all four of em going. Similarities between man and beast is overwhelmingly same. The have the same organs we do, one mouth, two ears and two eyes that are structured just like ours, their brains are made of the same mass, even looks like a human brain, mammals have similar sex organs and reproduce the same way. so... why not dream??  


    Hi Vinny. Welcome back. Are you all moved now to Ohio ?

    I do believe dogs (animals) dream.

    Without a doubt, Dieszal has dreams....little yips and startles sometimes. 
    I sure hope they are happy dreams!  Our pets deserve nothing but the best.

    I Know William dreams,As my leg is quite sore,

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