    I have a question about turning around when driving in a residential street... Is it better to turn left into a driveway, or to turn right into a driveway? Please offer a supporting reason. I am wondering WHY I keep seeing a trend in how people accomplish their reversal of direction. Thank you. Alternatively, is it better to BACK into a driveway on the right, or on the left?

    I confess, I copied this question from a friend  (yes, I have them) on Facebook.....

    +2  Views: 692 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    You're talking about a 3 point turn.

    First...You don't use driveways. (Legally).

    Second.... You don't use reverse until after you have turned left into the curb at 90 degreees.

    I should imagine the law in Texas would be similar to here.

    So the folks you have seen reversing into driveways are doing the wrong thing.

    Reversing or driving into driveways,especially when you are in a hurry can be extremely dangerous.

    There is always the chance of hitting a pedestrian (or a child).

    Hope this helps resolve your quandry.

    Good luck Julie.How's the Taurus going?


    Finally got it up to 73,000 miles. Had some front end work done (the previous owner DIDN’T just tap the lady in front of him). But it’s doing well, took it on a 100 mile trip and she took it like a pro…..

    We just bought Maggie a new car this week. VW Polo.

    I am the worst driver backing up! In n. Carolina U turns are common! The street lights offer the U turns! I guess because so many live close to where they are going but can't get there on  straight route

    ""Pretty simple really.Just look at all the safety aspects of a 3 point turn..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. 

    Yeah, we aren't supposed to be using other people's driveways as a street.  Go around the block, or make a U-turn, when legal, at an intersection. 
    Backing into a driveway from the left or right?  Wouldn't one pull forward of the driveway and then turn whichever direction was needed to back into it -- it would depend on which side of the road you use.  On a one-way street, you still have the same procedure...pull forward of the driveway, then turn in the direction that will back your car onto it. 
    Turning INTO a driveway depends on which side of the street the driveway is located.  If the driveway is to the right of your path, turn right.  If the driveway is left of your path, turn left.

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