    What would make you faint?

    David doing his therapy on his own. No yelling, conjolling, bribery or threats.....

    +6  Views: 1480 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    He's still giving you a hard time? Hummm. . . . .

    He'll do a thing as long as I'm there, nothing by his own initiative. Takes up my cleaning, book reading, cooking, outdooring time....

    8 Answers

    Andy getting a job. Cody buying a bag of dog food. Alan getting his stuff out of my garage.


    And I'd be there to catch you.....

    Great idea!~ I do need some help with all this stuff in the garage! C'mon over!

    Tell, him, next week on garbage night, you're going to put all his stuff out by the curb. He'll come over and get it.

    I would never do that, mcm. My son trusts me to keep his things safe. He does take advantage of the situation, but I could call on him for any emergency.

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    terryfossil 1

    Weird,the day after i answered this question i fainted,,i was working outside in the sun,and sweating like a stuck pig,i came inside the house and put some tools on the floor,and as i stood up i blacked out and hit to the floor,,blood pressure must have dropped pretty low,,first time it has happened since they fixed up my medication..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    Oh Terry! I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you know this but if you must work outside in the scorching sun please take several breaks and keep yourself hydrated by drinking plentiful amounts of cold water and wear a hat too. Stay healthy mate.
    terryfossil 1

    Yep CB, thats what my wife said,,i always wear a cap,,do not drink a lot of water though..thanks for the advice CB..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    i hope i never see what would make me faint.


     The stomach cramps I  had before I had my hysterectomy, the first time I saw a bag of blood, having my blood drawn for testing and after donating blood have all brought me close to fainting (very weak, lightheaded and all I could see was gray), but I've never fainted. Becoming a Phlebotomist  helped me get over wanting to faint when I see blood.

     What may actually cause me to faint would be Roy hanging up the two closet rods I bought 6 months ago as a honey-do project. LOL


    Seeing Sasquatch has nearly made me faint .... the first one we ever saw was crouched down and cedar red in colour ... I almost fainted!!! This one was caught on film by two grown men and the one who filmed this big dude was reduced to tears ...

    If I won the lottery !! - - - -the   BIG one !

    Julie, Bob,C/B,Miss Ducky,and Lindy Lu,and M/c/m,and all the other young ladies out thier ,doing a pole dance for me,and Ted of course with his Sporan at half mast,


    Should be fun Dougal.
    country bumpkin

    Naughty Boys!

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