Do you still pull off to the side of the road when there is a car behind you, or do you let them take the initiative to pass when safe?
And remember, I had only been driving a month. Although I lack your aggression, I'm less forgiving now days....
What I remember best is sitting on the side of the road while a bunch of cars passed by. I thought we'd never get on the road! Glad you are more confident.
You say aggressive like I was running people off the road.
You say aggressive like I was running people off the road.
3 Answers
Comfortable, but intense; I know what's going on around me, behind me, and ahead of me, anticipating what might happen. I don't like to be behind people who are not going "with the flow" of traffic that is in our lane, nor do I like being tailgated by someone when I am going "with the flow" of traffic that is in our lane. I do not tailgate, having received a citation for doing just that several years ago. :(
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
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