    Do you peel your apples?

    I don't bother, I eat the skin and nutritious core....

    +5  Views: 719 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Not unless they are going into pie or cobbler or (yummiest of all) apple crisp.  I eat everything except the stem. 


    Peel for pies! Yummy apples!


    Sometimes, not always. Over here we only get local apples this time of year, they are the only apples I really like. The rest of the year we get a lot of European  apples , I find them tasteless . Although I went to visit a friend in France during Sept last year, and we had some apples straight off the trees, and they were delicious, I think maybe they just send us their crap.


    I would not eat froggie apples you don't know where they have been,

    Off the tree has to be better, well, should be better...

    I remember the days when on English ocherds we had the finest Apples ,Coxs pipins Granny smiths,etc,etc,we never had heard Apples grown by others countrys,
    Bob/PKB a young kid, I didn't know vineyards were anywhere except California's San Joaquin Valley. Well never get apples here from the East Coast, so much better than ours, too...bummer

    If you eat a French Golden Delicious straight off the tree and still warm from the sun you will never eat a better apple, but they deteriorate quickly in storage, hence the mushy flavourless ones you get in the UK.
    As to whether to peel them consider the number of hands that have touched them: the picker, the sorter the packer, the supermarket staff and the customers, and all the chemicals that have been used in their cultivation. Think about Ignaz Semmelweiss's discovery.

    I agree nomdeplume, If I eat any fruit with the skin on ,I always wash it or wipe it over with a damp paper towel. You just don't know where they've been.

    Yep, that really goes without saying!

    Image result for eating apples photosNope,just munch down on them,,( an apple a day keeps the doctor away.)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    Watched one of his movies the other night ( Django Unchained), certainly not peeling apples in that.
    terryfossil 1

    Roy i have that movie,,have not watched it yet,your opinion worth watching.and would you watch it again????????

    Definitely worth the watch, typical Tarantino movie.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes, I usually do peel them and cut them up in sections, prob b/c my mom did. And they're easier to eat peeled. If I'm in a hurry , I don't peel them .

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