4 Answers
Chiangmai comes to my mind because the very last question he answered on aka was my 300K congratulations thread and he posted this picture and said, " Yipee I-O Rope 'em in, cowgirl!
Chiangmai posted this picture soon after ROMOS asked me to marry him and before it was announced on aka that Roy and I were together. I would like to ask him if this picture is only a coincidence or did he figure it out on his own by reading our comments to each other-like some sixth sense or what.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
how is the bowling going Bob??
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
First half of the season is done. My partner and I finished first on Monday and my "girls" and I finished first on Wednesday. My Tuesday team (my "boys") and I were in first place for weeks and weeks, then fell apart and finished a dismal 4th.
I'm averaging 188 on Monday, 178 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and about 182 subbing on Thursday. Are you bowling regularly? How are you doing??
I'm averaging 188 on Monday, 178 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and about 182 subbing on Thursday. Are you bowling regularly? How are you doing??
I'm blessed my teammate always encourages me and gives me a heads-up on improving my game. Mostly I miss on my follow-through, not coming out of the ball with my fingers or keeping my release straight. So far, though, haven't flung the ball into the lane beside me....yet.
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