    Any big or small plans for Thanksgiving this year?

    +4  Views: 637 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago

    What about you tabber? Any plans?

    Have an enjoyable Thanksgiving be it large or small.

    6 Answers

    One of my daughter's and one of his friends! I want turkey leftovers so we are not going anywhere this Thanksgiving! AND Happy Thanksgiving to all!


    Happy Thanksgiving to you clu.

     Scotland does not celebrate Thanksgiving but  I'm doing my best ( three years in a row to introduce it to them) LOL

    I'm breaking tradition this year by serving duck instead of Turkey because per rules and regulations giblets are not included in the whole chickens  or turkeys. We will be having traditional favorites such as cornbread dressing and pumpkin pie etc.


    I hope you have no trouble with your shopping, like last year! Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your dinner! :)

    Nice. How about trying zorro's idea of bourbon in the pumpkin pie. That really sounds good to me.
    country bumpkin

    That does sound good,bourbon in pecan pie is delish too.
    Thank you clu.

    Oh, I get talked into cooking every year. This year no exception. Only this time it’s going to be cornish game hens for each individual. I’m winging it on the dressing……..



    Sounds yummy! Have an enjoyable time.

    My married son and his wife are hosting again.  Could be as many as 20 or as few as 7 (them and me), but probably somewhere in between.
    I love that they are making traditions.  My assignment is fudge (with nuts and without nuts), cheese bourag, and "something else" - a fiesta corn salad that is truly delicious.  Truly.


    What is cheese bourag?

    Filo dough. Take one "sheet" and cut it in quarters lengthwise.
    Brush melted butter along one strip.
    Add a spoonful of the following mixture: Grated jack cheese, egg sufficient to bind (usually one egg per pound of cheese), and chopped parsley
    Fold the strip like a flag, triangular.
    Transfer the triangle to a cookie sheet.
    Brush the top with more melted butter....and just a little more melted butter :D
    Work quickly; the dough dries and becomes brittle.
    Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes, til golden. Serve immediately.

    Have a great time with family Bob. Cheese bourag is something I am going to have to try. Thanks!

    Going to watch two bad college football teams Texas Tech and Texas. Eating turkey and my pumpkin - bourbon pie. 12 drops make a great smooth taste.


    Pumpkin pie with bourbon! Seems you can't go wrong with that. Enjoy the day.

    Zorro, it's always tradition that the Lions play on Thanksgiving !! Yay ! and they won their last 2 games !
    country bumpkin

    Pecan pie with bourbon is good too. :)

    We are having family and a few friends for Thanksgiving this year. Next year will be the addition of a little one at our family table. 


    Wishing you a happy time with your loved ones. Many blessings

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