    Should the U.S. let the recent Syrian refugees into the country?

    +6  Views: 1324 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    9 Answers

    Should Canada? (We are.) They'll be welcome here if they learn to speak English and if they leave our customs and traditions alone. If they need financial support, it should be made very clear that it is temporary.....and make sure that it IS! 


    Well, aren't WE compassionate ! BTW, speaking French is OK too, given that 6000 of the 25K are destined for Quebec...and most Syrians speak French thanks to their colonial experience.

    Speaking French IS okay too. Maybe they'll choose to remain in Quebec forever (only a geographic dot on the map of Canada) and only be employed by the government. Unless I'm missing something, those are the only instances where the French language appears to be demanded, Monsieur.


    Sounds to me like you've never visited the province of Quebec. What a shame. Two solitudes, indeed.

    Have indeed.

    Of course, as long as they are properly vetted.


    Saw a news clip last night from your great country that showed a peaceful gathered crowd welcoming the refugees. BRAVO !

    @digger....Wait a couple of years when the "happy refugees" decide they don't like the Scottish flag, the Scottish system of government, the bagpipes and kilts, or the Scottish accent. I wonder if you'll see the same peaceful, welcoming crowd then.

    The. Scots have an accent?

    Some of the local haggis and curry, should keep them on the move.


    Deep fried Mars Bars

    I have many concerns and reservations about Obama's latest brain-freeze, I mean brain-storm. 

    By golly, yes. What does the statue recite? We incamped the Japanese, denied  the Jews to what end? Paranoia will destroy ya.....


    BRAVO to you too !

    Yay me!

    Have you contacted your governor to tell him how you feel? Isn't Texas one of 27 or so states refusing to allow Syrian refugees? Denied the Jews? Denied them what? Encampments for Japanese during WWII, yes, and the parents of my sons' godfather were among them. Might not be a bad idea for what to do with the Syrian refugees, most of whom are military aged single men. Remembering the Boston marathon bombing, there's at least a little precedent to be prudent in situations like this. Those brothers were refugees, too. Pretty naïve to believe a gift from the French should dictate our immigration policies. The poem was written for a fundraiser.

    There is plenty of space in O'Donnell Texas. They will fit right in with the illegals working in the cotton gins.

    Personally i would say no,,but the U.S. is not my country,i would say look around at other countries that have accepted muslim refugees,on a whole they do not mix with other religions,,nor do they mix in with the people of the country they ask help from.they do not join our armed forces,they come into a country and take over a suburb as they have done in Paris..Italians,Germans,Swiss and a whole lot of other peoples from all over the world have made Aussie their home by working hard and making a living for themselves and paying their taxes..contributing to the country they chose to live in,,the muslims simply go on welfare..compared to other peoples of the world,they do not bring much to the table for prosperity in any country,including their own..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..  


    If this is your experience with Muslims in general, I see your prejudice has roots. I'm more concerned about moving people in next door who want to blow up my family, friends, and me! Not every Muslim wants that. Our president is an arrogant fool.

    There are about 70 of them being put up in a luxury hotel over here in Wigan . They are all young men , able bodied . Also in Stockport they have been put up in Hotels. Most of them have no passports because they have thrown them into the sea on their journey, apparently they then can't be sent back because no one knows where they are from. This is unbelievable  when there are young people born here who are homeless , and pensioners struggling to live. so my answer is no, don't take them in.



    terryfossil 1

    Smart thinking Sunny..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    Hard to find out about someone with no ID. I'd be really skeptical of their innocence. Brilliant way to infiltrate a place with no recourse.
    terryfossil 1

    In Aussie we have the advantage of being an island,and a lot of the refugees come by boat,,my son used to board their boats,,they always threw their ID away before being boarded,,so our government said we would turn them around and make sure they went back to where they came from,,so then when they got into Aussie waters,they would call someone in Aussie,then sink their own boat forcing us to pick them up..they are not all terrorists ,but some are and you cannot pick the difference,and the peaceful muslims that come to Aussie,do not point out the bad ones,,i do not know the answer to the problem,,but i do know they bring their century long war with them,,and you cannot stop that,because their kids pick up the gun..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I was watching a retired Army General on our news this morning, I thought his idea was pretty good. He said as we have thousands of able bodied fit young men coming over here from Syria, we should train them up and form an army from them, and send them back to sort there own country out, under the control of a coalition.
    terryfossil 1

    Damn Sunny,,,you should be a politician,,i would vote for you..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Trying not to be negative but I feel negative. ISIS has always been several steps ahead and our intelligence, which has been sub par. Have a sense that a lot, not all, are being placed here and in five years they will attack in different places all at once like they did in Paris. Sensing that Paris was a small trial run for something more on a larger scale. I feel it in my bones and in the air. 

    terryfossil 1

    I reckon your on the money Witchway..

    I would so love to be wrong about this. Sometimes having a sixth sense is very worrisome.

    There are far too many with too much power hedging against you, and I'm not one of them.
    terryfossil 1

    I agree with you and Bob Witchway,,Aussie is being set up also,,Pauline Hanson warned Aussie about it years ago,,Politicians found a way to put her in jail ,,they then let her out and said it was a mistake,she is one politician that the politicians on all sides are scared of..look her up guys and let me know what you think of her..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I read a bit and think she is outspoken, very intelligent and independent, but a little too intense for me, and too far right.
    terryfossil 1

    Bob, that is just what Australia needs right now,,if we go down the namby pamby path,,we will have what other countries have..we should learn from the mistakes of other countries,,being a young country in comparison,it should be easy to learn..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    The unfortunate thing, Terry, is most of us prefer to learn the hard way, and sometimes it takes a lifetime to learn. A nation is going to look at others, picking and choosing, but, I think, in the end, will be independent and think "we can do it better". It would be nice, but we are so busy being "politically correct" that we are destroying ourselves (that's just my opinion).
    terryfossil 1

    That is all we all have here Bob,,an opinion,,and everyone's opinion is their own,,that's okay by me..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Me, too, though too many confuse their opinions with fact.

    75 years ago the USA refused to allow Jewish refugees to land. They were sent back to Germany where they were sent to the death camps.

    terryfossil 1

    Big difference here mate,,the jews were not going to kill anybody Nom..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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