    i just adopted a VERY feral cat. 3 1/2 mos old. NEVER been near a human on purpose but has it's shots and is fixed......

    Can any of you give me pointers, advice, help or stories?

    +7  Views: 769 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Keep it away from traffic, of the vehicular variety.

    Other than that, feed it, water it.

    It will love you eventually!


    She is locked in my bedroom with the litter box and food and water. She just but James through the finger....

    Was going to call her Suzie but James is calling her Bonnie (Parker)......

    Definite SHE then, keep James away from her!

    how can you tell she's 3 1/2 months old ? What happened to those two little kittens you had ?

    She's been fixed, dead give away. Still have Mac and Jack was killed a good while back....

    Oh! You are asking about age. Know where she was born and lived.

    Good Kitty, biting the bad person. Who's cat is this? Yours or his?

    Just be very patient and let it come to you.


    Here Kitty, Kitty. Um...never mind.

    Ben, even I don't understand women, and I am one ! I know one thing tho'- - - - -they cry a lot.

    @mcm...Ben's not here. Again, many women rarely cry, at least not in front of anyone. You must be a weepy one.

    I have a large thick glove, which I always used when I needed to pick up my boy cat for any reason. He's much better now he's 12 years old now and much more laid back, he grabs me sometimes when I walk past him. I never put my hand or face directly towards his face, as he has been known to lash out, I always approach him from the back of his ears first, then he's usually ok. the only time he gets nasty now is when we have a male visitor and we are talking , he gets jealous of me talking to them.

    Good luck with you feral moggy, the glove might be a good idea, for a while anyway, until she gets used to you.


    Image result for wild cat photos They would never hurt a flea JH,,,not sure about king of the fleas though..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Our Larry was most likely a feral cat. He's a very good boy, comes when he's called, stays in the same room with us when we watch TV, likes to be petted, but you can never pick him up. He is about 10 years old now and has reached his comfort level living with us but I doubt he will ever become the lap cat I would have preferred. 

    You might want to check "best Friends" web site They take in all animals and might have pointers for you!  I have some feral cats and very rarely will you get to cuddle them! They are afraid of people!  Sometimes I think I might be feral too! :)



    Internet feral is fine, scratched eyes don't hurt a bit.

    Use food as a bribe.



    Oh, sure. WHEN I can get her to eat.....

    Well, if I could get Peanut off the computer keyboard long enough to type an answer....

    FIRST, designate ONE person to be the contact person between humanity and the cat. 

    Next, spend time alone with the cat, just sitting in a small enclosed space so it has no choice but to be in close proximity with you.  Eventually, the cat will make contact with you.  You like to read; it won't be wasted time.  Sit on the floor, though, so the cat is "on your level".

    A cat's lack of reproductive system is not a dead giveaway for its age.  Knowing when the cat was born is.  Don't confuse the two.


    A neighbor has been feeding the mama from pregnancy on. 3 kittens. A lady friend of hers traps and take them to be spayed, shots, worms, and flea treatment. Then they get released to wherever they come from. Good enough?

    Responding to your comment to MCM, in which you said the cat being spayed was a dead give away for her age. You did correct yourself, though.

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