    Let's see if I can bring this up in case any of you have lost perspective.

    ""   Well, it's about perspective about the 6 million Muslims in France and after deleting all the knowns about them, all the percents you are only left with handful, HANDFUL that are terrorist!


    +2  Views: 588 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    And if someone gave you a bowl of grapes, and you knew some might be poisoned, would you still serve them to others and eat them yourself?

    I would sensibly take out the bad ones. I'm as smart as they are. And I like and welcome grapes....

    They all look alike, Julie. You are NOT as smart as they are. I'll send you some grapes and give you a head's up......they WON'T all be good.

    Did you know it takes two year to be vetted enough to even come to America?

    And some of those grapes make super fine wine. Who am I? Judge ye not

    Do the math while making analogies. It would take about a hundred bowls of grapes to find a tenth of one poisonous grape. Manson's family immigrated in from somewhere. So did the Boton Strangled, Son Of Sam, Billy The Kid, Charles Whitman, McDuff, The Orange Sock Killer (though many blame that on McDuff, too), as did Lincoln 's, the Kennedy's, King, Jones, Bundy, and why go on? There will be evil always


    Fine, Julie. Be as stubborn and naive as you want. We already have Syrian refugees coming in. It hasn't been 2 years. But you know everything.

    4 Answers

    The mindlessness of the few taints the wisdom of the many, more innocents will be gone because of this.

    I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.


    J always like him Ted he was one of the best good Trumpet ive heard,and he keep Rabbits as well,

    Fink you is getting mixed up wif Elliott Oppenheim Dougal, and I don't know a fing bout a rabbits ass!

    The very nature of human beings causes us to judge a whole group, on the basis of "a few". We do that with nationalities, skin colors, religions, sexual orientations, occupations, age, interests, etc. We sometimes change our minds when we meet someone (of that group) who does not fit our pre-conceived notions and then we are actually surprised or, in some cases, shocked.

    Well, Julie, let me put it to you with another perspective...It only takes one rotten apple to ruin the whole barrel.


    Jesus was a refugee. I wonder just who/what we'd be turning away. Ann Frank was denied, too....

    You think about what I wrote, just for a little while.
    Next, give me a logical, rational reason why my statement is untrue
    Then, figure out a reasonable argument that might make me change my mind. Convince me the borders of every country in the world should be wide open for anybody and everybody to just wander in and out at will, collecting whatever public assistance might be available, perpetrating crimes of mass destruction, peddling drugs, waging holy wars, race wars, and assorted forms of genocide..... Give it your best shot, because you don't seem to have any boundaries.

    And Steve Jobs.... Jerry Seifeld, PaulaAbdul,Teri Hatcher

    You think about what I wrote, just for a little while.
    Next, give me a logical, rational reason why my statement is untrue.
    Then, figure out a reasonable argument that might make me change my mind. Convince me the borders of every country in the world should be wide open for anybody and everybody to just wander in and out at will, collecting whatever public assistance might be available, perpetrating crimes of mass destruction, peddling drugs, waging holy wars, race wars, and assorted forms of genocide..... Give it your best shot, because you don't seem to have any boundaries.

    You get crazies in all countries. For instance GOP candidate Kevin Swanson who thinks gays should be stoned to death, and kids should be drowned rather than let them read homosexual Harry Potter books.


    GOP candidate?

    "Grand Ole Party" (republican).

    Moderator question about "GOP". Check out the "candidates" and in particular, Kevin Swanson.

    Oh, aye, right, Joes son Kevin, from Family Guy!

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