    And it goes on.........

    Never ending S**T, click for news.

    +8  Views: 1274 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    It’s 3:30 am where you are! Go to bed and catch the morning news, CB’s plea for facts will be more apparent then. Get a little shut-eye……...

    There will be no peace until we rid these 'cowards' once and for all -- 'all of them''.
    country bumpkin

    Roy's son came over last night for a visit and to have tea/dinner with us. We had a great visit. This is why we were up so late,

    That's great , CB !
    country bumpkin

    He's a nice young man MCM.

    10 Answers

    Absolutely terrifying. What a heartbreaking day for France. 

    There is no easy answer, the terrorists were either shot or blown themselves up, but there will be more to follow.

    God help us.

    My sympathies to the victims and their families.

    terryfossil 1

    Hey Kent,time for the world to stop pussy footing around with these people,France has banned the burka,they are about to do a lot more banning i hear..have a look at this link Kent,and you will understand why France has a problem with muslims..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Unfortunately it will continue until society starts identifying these people and eliminating them . This needs to be treated as a disease . If it was , the whole world would be trying to eliminate the problem. But the bleeding hearts of society cry that they are people , we cant just kill them. Give them jobs obama says. Here starts the problem.

    Devastating news for Paris and the world. Friday the 13th is ominous by itself, now this? Feeling very unsettled.

    I'm waiting for the rumors to become facts. Scary Stuff!

    Wow. I caught the news blurb but apparently not all. I didn't hear the numbers! Do I thank you for letting me know? I dunno. I imagine it will be all over the news. God bless them all. This is a good time for Him to step in......

    And the numbers grow and change. Some less but most more. How awful. Can’t imagine what is going through the Parisian’s minds. What next?


    Click the link, should be live!

    capatalize the H…...
    country bumpkin

    LOL who is the H? I'm not being sarcastic, I honestly don't know who 'H' is.

    When capitalized, H usually stands for God

    You’re still up? Because of what’s happened (happening)?
    country bumpkin

    Awww! Him! I get it now. :)
    country bumpkin

    I'm watching it. Non stop updates.

    What’s the growing toll now? Still 118?

     Odd Roy that it comes after the jhidi john thing,,however maybe this will wake up the rest of the world,,fair dinkum guys,,you would have to be a fool to believe it would never come to this,,the longer the world waits to do something the more people will die,,all the make love not war and talk positive people,send them out to talk to the terrorists and talk positive..Very sad times,and a wake up call..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    country bumpkin

    I'm still watching the updates. Makes me sick to my stomach.
    terryfossil 1

    The death toll seems to keep rising..CB..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I actually saw it drop to forty once and now it’s 118 and expectation is more than that……
    I’m afraid what happened to JJ is just a drop in the bucket. This attack was well planned. Were it retaliation it would have been more haphazard…...
    terryfossil 1

    @JH,they are telling us in Aussie the figure is up to 140 dead and rising. do not know how many wounded.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    I just heard the same thing Terry, 120 to 140 dead possibly including 5 of the terrorists.

    Good Lord, how? Was it that sudden of surprise? How’d they get the weapons through Paris in the first place? No, this was planned. I’m sure they are missing JJ…….

    I’ve only heard of two dead shooters/bombers. America. I’ll go back and watch Roy’s link…..
    terryfossil 1

    Maybe this link would go a long way to explaining why France has a big problem with muslims in France..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Terry , maybe we should drop the big one on the whole middle east
    terryfossil 1

    The bomb on hiroshima fixed one problem,but a lot of innocent people got badly hurt MCM..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    MCM-I'm hoping you are being facetious....

    This series of attacks was planned; nothing about it is a gut reaction to JJ's death. 

    Makes you wonder when this kind of chaos is coming to your city, and what can be done to prevent it. 

    Pretending it doesn't affect you is just that-pretending. 


    We live in a sad, scary world and unfortunately for all of us, these events can happen anywhere. It's difficult to stay ahead of these vicious criminals and they know it.


    One of our radio newscasters noted that the president of the USA has referred to ISIS as "the junior varsity". Foolish

    he's an idiot

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