Never ending S**T, click for news.

10 Answers
My sympathies to the victims and their families.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Unfortunately it will continue until society starts identifying these people and eliminating them . This needs to be treated as a disease . If it was , the whole world would be trying to eliminate the problem. But the bleeding hearts of society cry that they are people , we cant just kill them. Give them jobs obama says. Here starts the problem.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Wow. I caught the news blurb but apparently not all. I didn't hear the numbers! Do I thank you for letting me know? I dunno. I imagine it will be all over the news. God bless them all. This is a good time for Him to step in......
And the numbers grow and change. Some less but most more. How awful. Can’t imagine what is going through the Parisian’s minds. What next?
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Odd Roy that it comes after the jhidi john thing,,however maybe this will wake up the rest of the world,,fair dinkum guys,,you would have to be a fool to believe it would never come to this,,the longer the world waits to do something the more people will die,,all the make love not war and talk positive people,send them out to talk to the terrorists and talk positive..Very sad times,and a wake up call..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I’m afraid what happened to JJ is just a drop in the bucket. This attack was well planned. Were it retaliation it would have been more haphazard…...

We live in a sad, scary world and unfortunately for all of us, these events can happen anywhere. It's difficult to stay ahead of these vicious criminals and they know it.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |