    What do you value more that you don't have anymore, besides your youth!!!

    Youth, parents, missed opportunities -  ELABORATE a little bit!

    What I value more that I don't have anymore is my sons being my little boys...reading to them, taking them to the zoo, a museum, the coast, helping with their homework, fixing dinner, teaching them how to bake cookies and throw a baseball, going to piano recitals, soccer games, concerts, and swim meets.   sigh..... I never took the blessings for granted, but I sure miss those days! 

    +2  Views: 1332 Answers: 2 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: aging

    2 Answers

    I miss, when I was a child being able to stay up as late as I wanted to in the summer time when school was out.

    I miss talking to my little brother Shane because he hasn't spoken to me in over 5 years.

    I miss visiting with my relatives and friends who have died.

    I miss my son because even though we can Skype at any time he seldom seems to find time to talk with me. He'll be 22 next week and I remember when I was his age I couldn't find time to communicate with people my age.

    I miss the old TV dinners that came inside a metal tray that was heated in the oven instead of a plastic tray heated in the microwave.

    I miss playing with barbie dolls and paper dolls and paint by numbers.

    I miss believing in Santa Claus, Rudolph, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin and Cupid. 

    I miss Elvis Presley, Andy Gibb, John Denver and John Ritter.

    The list is endless.

    Time. I've lost it all recently....

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