    You are allowed to create and introduce ONE law to make your country a better place, what is it?

    +10  Views: 979 Answers: 13 Posted: 9 years ago

    13 Answers

    Term limit for presidents would be ONE six year term and congress people to not more than ten years.

     NO SECRETS. Eliminating all secrets makes for a very open and honest culture. If there were no secrets there would be no lies, nothing to fear. I think the world would be a much more pleasant experience to live in with nothing to fear. 


    I fear if we knew all the secrets our government was keeping from us, it would not give us peace of mind and ease our fears.

    HI Robert, You're back !

    Electric chair for anyone caught selling any kind of drug to anyone. No ifs, ands or hot shot lawyers, no bleeding heart liberals, no excuses due to upbringing, unemployment, lack of education, mental illness, blah, blah, blah. You sell drugs....goodbye!


    Extremely harsh for the young and temporarily idiot. Do you consider grass a drug?
    robert grist


    Harsh indeed. If the law had been harsh years ago, we wouldn't have a whole generation of drug addicts who now break into your house to steal stuff to buy drugs for which you now believe you need a gun to protect yourself. And yes, grass IS a drug!

    Not to argue but grass was legal for my granfather to presctibe in the '20's. W R Hearst was responsible for it becoming illegal because it interfered with his production of paper goods.

    Marijuana is prescribed, which, in my perspective, makes it a drug. I like your idea, Ducky. It could hit home, but drugs have no boundaries. I don't want to see my sons facilitating the heartbreak THEIR pushers helped bring to them (and those who love them).

    Legal, illegal, prescribed or off the street, a drug is a drug. Way too many drugs are "legal and prescribed". So? They can still be bad for you. Because a doctor says ok, doesn't necessarily mean s/he is right. There are just way too many drugs in our society!

    There are far too many doctors who will prescribe almost whatever a patient wants....
    One of my sons spent a good part of 3 years smoking pot. He sat on his butt, smoked pot, played video games. I can't stand "recreational pot". My friend's sister was dying of stomach cancer; she did find some pain relief in pot, but it took a long time before she agreed to try it.

    Most drugs are just too easy to obtain and much of the criminal activity has to do with drugs. Still, we want to make everything legal so we can collect taxes. What a screwed up society. Sad.

    Yes. I look at my beautiful children and grandchildren, and it breaks my heart to know they will have the most absurd social issues and struggles throughout their lives....if we don't end up blowing up the earth
    terryfossil 1

    Yeah Duck,,And no duck shooting season either,,no matter how much we are starving..always be kind to animals..>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    @Terry....and don't shoot (those cute little) nuisance bears either. So what if they're killing your dogs and ripping the screens off your patio door. Killing a bear is mean.

    .... and no killing Sasquatch either ... actually that shoulda been my law not free skool coz shooting creatures is crool ... so uncool!
    terryfossil 1

    @ Duck,,what bears yo talking about,you surely do not mean our little Koala,,"which by the way,is not really a bear".>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @Terry....Oh no. Those are teddy "bears". Too cute to shoot. :)

    duck, as a product of youth, I experimented with drugs. You’re saying I should have been killed then? Me? A relatively active member of the human race? Don’t forget, I was depressed in my youth and didn’t care if I lived or died. So, I should be dead now, too?

    @jh.....See my original response (above) to this question....You have just proven my point. You got those drugs from....a SELLER! No doubt, so did your friends and school mates!!
    P.S. In case you're wondering....I'm glad you're still here!!!

    Members of Congress shall receive a stipend of no more than $100,000 per year for their 2 term maximum service.  There will be no retirement or medical benefits or anything else to give them the impression they are being served by their countrymen instead of the other way around. Staff and expenses will be monitored and a budget provided for EACH to receive the SAME, regardless of the state or constituencies represented.

    Great question, Pythonlover! 

    If I said what I really think would make Australia a better place it would be sooooo controversial & probably get me sidelined for a couple of weeks.


    Have you heard that certain people want the National Anthem stopped at school assemblies???

    I would help certain people pack and board the next boat outta there.
    terryfossil 1

    I think you might find me saying the same thing as you Tom,,i reckon we could fill up that boat Bob's talking about..(Aussie Motto) if you don't like it here,,there's the door,and stay out..if you come to live the Aussie way..FINE,,if you come to change us..DONT come here..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Same thing in Canada. Sure you're all welcome here. Hugs and kisses. Then, first thing you know, WE are being offensive and racist because we don't accept the changes they want to make to OUR country.

    The way congress has held up progress on fixing roads, bridges and whatever should be against the law. If people running the country choose to filibuster their way through the job, they have to go.

    That EVERYONE will vote.....


    Everyone, or everyone who is qualified to vote by right of valid citizenship, not just a driver's license, as in California????
    terryfossil 1

    Compulsory voting.???????????????..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That’s given, Bob. It should work just like our registration cards should and cover everything. I want to make it a law that everyone HAS to vote.

    Citizen or not?

    Why would a non-citizen get a voters registration? They can’t.
    terryfossil 1

    The labor government in Aussie want to bring the voting age down to 16,,BAD MOVE..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I am just making sure WHO you want voting. As I said, in California, when a person gets a driver's license (which illegal residents are now allowed to do), they are automatically added to the voting roles. I find this a disturbing event; others may see it as a tremendous opportunity.

    In Texas you have to check the box….

                        FREE EDUCATION!!!



    I don't really agree with you on this. Being in a classroom for a number of years, and back in college now, I believe it IS a privilege too many in the US take for granted

    I think if it were free there would be more serious 'players' ... many low income people are brilliant minds that could enhance society. Those who are in it to win it so to speak would do just that. My girl sees a lot of money-advantaged brainless partiers at university who don't appreciate that position. We are horribly low income so it really hits home this idea of free tuition, free education.

    I can see the concept of state sponsored education for ANY student who excels. My friend's daughter missed financial help because her parents made $35 too much.
    It's a tough call, because those partiers are going to keep partying, and lots of students who get that free education YOUR daughter would appreciate are going to waste the opportunity, just like the fat cats. There's got to be a LOT of criteria to follow and meticulous follow through.

    No "free" education. First of all, it's not "free". Someone has to pay for it. Secondly, "free" is rarely, if ever, appreciated. Grant students school loans, with easy terms, which must be paid back within a time limit. Then, and only then, will it be appreciated. Otherwise, for most, it's party time! Feeling responsible and working hard has never been a detriment to anyone, ever.

    that both parents have to take parenting classes before they can take their baby home from the hospital


    .....and they must pass drug tests. My grandson's mother was loaded up with heroin when he was born, but she had her 6 year old daughter "pee in the cup". They knew something was wrong with David, but when I commented about pain medication being non-narcotic, I think someone's light went on. My son resents her with a passion; his son, almost 2, is a joy and seems to be doing OK...time will tell.

    aman, amen, A everything for that idea. I've been saying that for years, plus i encourage parents to take glasses on child care.

    Get rid of judges who don't follow the law.

    Straight across the board equal taxes. Fair is fair.

    Everyone must recycle, simple and serious.

    Bring back the stocks for politicians who tell lies,

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