    Has religious conflict replaced class conflicts as the most important issue facing modern society?

    Can anything be done to heal the rifts between people of different faiths?

    +1  Views: 3304 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Religion vs class. Now that is a good one. Class would probably be decided as to where in the echelons you stand. In other words, everyone's religion is the best and may the higher power help you if you ever forget it.....

    ....religious conflict, racial conflict, economic conflict, political conflict, territorial conflict, military conflict, media communication conflict---all are excuses, does it matter if we really don't live our faith ?

    terryfossil 1

    Do you think the muslim religion would allow you to have your religion if they were to have a say in it Ben..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    Benthere, but fortunately God has a say that counts.
    terryfossil 1

    True Benny True..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    I don't think it's wise to combine the two into one, so I like your separation of class and faith.  Whether it is the biggest issue likely depends upon with whom you speak.  There are people of all faiths in every social or economic or ethnic "class", so the two are jumbled within each other. 

    One thing I do not endorse is equalizing everybody on an economic basis.  To me, that destroys the initiative to succeed and "get ahead".  It is the truest way to turn America into the Spartan society of Ancient Greece, where no one had any more than his neighbor, in possessions, rights, or opportunity.  Might as well make a couple of "perfect people" in a test tube and clone them repeatedly. 


    Hmm,i see your point Bob ,like if the germans had captured the u/k ,I would have been worn to a frassel,being tall and blonde with blue eyes,

    .....if they even let you live, my sweet. You've been watching too much "Indiana Jones" if you think all Germans are tall, blonde, and blue-eyed! ::D

    right. It was more of the swedes and the Swiss that were blue eyed. My grandma came from to the U.S . from Germany and she had thick , black hair and brown eyes. She said there was a little french in her family Even my mom's family who came from Holland mostly had dark hair, but some had light, pretty, blue eyes.

    a year ago so long ,,,and I have missed you all,,xxx,,

    @hector....How are you? You been gone so long!
    terryfossil 1

    Where you been hiding out Hec.?????,,hope you are okay mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Religions conflict only when a religion cannot allow another religion to have the faith they wish,,all faiths believe they are right,but it is the people that must choose the faith they believe to be right,hence the reason some people chop and change to a different faith.As for the Class problem,the rich will always get richer,,and to mix faith and class together,the bible says,,"the poor will be with you always"...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The thing about us human mammals is we find a reason for discord so we can control people and thus resources.  Class does not really matter, because money and wealth most of the time, wins.  It's great if a community and/or society grows to be caring and benevolent toward it's less wealthy neighbors, something like America tries to be in many cases. I believe in a religion, but recognize that religion is a grand and great way to control people.  If God said it, it's got to be correct.  Who can argue with that? So the only answer for the non rich is to get your licks in early, by talking, figuring things out and have a plan to talk to the powerful. Otherwise we might find ourselves in a bunch of trouble. e.g. On PBS new today, it was reported that Tillison visited overseas and implied we're through talking to Korea about testing those weapons. If the public does not like his subtle suggestion, we better letter write or something, before . . .



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