Black cats crossing your path.
Walking under a ladder.
Stepping on a crack or a line on the sidewalk.
The number "13" especially on a Friday.
Those are some "traditional" superstitions, which many believe and just as many more scoff.
Maybe it's more of an "OCD" type behavior, or a routine you can't break. I, for one, do NOT step on the "slab" lines in concrete, adjusting the length of my stride to avoid them. There is no fear of anything, just an obsessive orderliness that requires me to pace myself within the concrete slabs. :o
7 Answers
Never cut my nails on a Sunday, it was one of my Mothers that has stuck with me, nothing else bothers me. I believe it's something to do with the bible (not cutting hair nor horn) or something similar, to this day in Scotland barbers won't open on a Sunday in deference to the church.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |

Like you,I'm OCD & I know it but not the slightest bit superstitious.I am obsessious about returning things to their rightful place.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
You keep being OCD like that! As a "Christian soldier", I salute you.
No, I try not to be too superstitious because as you say, it can lead into OCD type of behavior. However, I do own a black cat called lucky and keep a horse shoe above the front door.
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |