    Aussie Statistics...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    June 2014,....57,036 Australian Defence Force Members and 24,000 reserves,,,,,,october  2014...100 ADF members have declared they are of muslim faith,,,,there are 500,000 muslims in Australia,,,, Why are they not rushing to defend their country,,they are supposed to be Aussie,,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    +4  Views: 1943 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    The rest realized that there is no guarantee of 70 virgins waiting for them for having been martyrs.


    Actually, it's 72 virgins. A scientific FACT. Lest the brave martyrs be short-changed.
    terryfossil 1

    Clonge, i read your link,that explains why they are so sex driven and why they believe they have the right to dominate women,,well worth reading mate,thanks..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    i watched on tv tonight a programme dealing with a new group of every day Australians who call themselves Reclaim Australia, they are sick and tired of muslims who will not respect Australian law or its customs, but who want to abide by Sharia law, it is the first time in my life i have seen real hatred on both sides, Normally Aussies just go with the flow, i am worried that we are sitting on a powder keg if the Government doe'st do something now as there will be no Australia for our Grand kids as we knew it before we accepted muslims into the country unless they can positively prove they are Christian Muslims ( Christian Muslim women do not wear head scarves or Burkas).

    terryfossil 1

    It is not just happening in our country mate,,it is a world wide thing,,in France they have 5 million of them,1 million are radical,,i hate that word radical,,radical is an excuse for murder..i think we got some bad things in the wind Kent..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Christian Muslims ? Are you sure, bulletman ?

    Jehova Witnesses wear long dresses and the Amish wear old style clothes. What does what does one's outer clothing have to do with religion or your choice of?
    terryfossil 1

    @JH,Jehova witness and Amish aint killing anybody,and if they did you can see who they are..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Never heard of The Amish Mafia?

    Why are all the many Christians in Oz not rushing to help their fellow faithful in the Middle East?

    It looks as if the Christian faith is going to be wiped out there shortly.

    terryfossil 1

    Australia has a few planes doing bombing raids Nom,Australia has already promised 12,000 Christians a home in Aussie..>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    Good on yer Aussies!

    You do realize that Christians do not have their own military?

    Do you honestly think I'm as stupid (or more so) than I think YOU are. I most certainly am not. Your comment is inappropriate and ignorant.

    'Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war'. 19C English hymn.
    terryfossil 1

    @Bob,who said you were stupid.???????..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Where did THAT come from, Bob? Was something deleted?

    No, terry and Julie, no one has come right out and said I am stupid. My comment is posted over NDP in error. THIS member is derisive and taunting, thinking I am stupid enough to respond to the lyrics of a hymn from the 1800's. I am so very weary of people ridiculing and antagonizing people who believe in God with the expectation that they are going to sit back and take it "like good Christians". In 4 years+, I've not attacked anyone for their beliefs or lack of beliefs. I'm particularly tired of NDP; he is umbriel reincarnate

    Bob seems to be "getting tired" more often of late. She appears to be highly sensitive to comments posted by non-Christians. Of course, she can choose to debate such comments in a rational manner...or ignore them altogether. Instead, she prefers to resort to derisive name-calling such as... (Do you honestly think I'm as stupid (or more so) than I think YOU are.)

    Pity. Incidentally, I thing ndp is one of the more perspicacious (I looked it up) members of this site.

    You would, Digger. I'm not going to debate my personal beliefs on a website with strangers who have no interest other than being antagonistic and self-serving. You have told me your story of losing your faith. I don't fault or deride you; I respect your feelings even if I don't agree with them. What some of you can't seem to manage is to extend the same respect, using every opportunity to be snide to a person with a faith that doesn't line up with your beliefs (or lack of). Yeah, I'm tired of it. You've voted up darn near every answer I've ever given, so, even for you, whose faith views are so much different than mine, we may have some mutual agreement on many issues and points of view. The question didn't address Christians, but NDP had to take a stab. Does he not understand he'd be in a whole different world if it weren't for the many people of faith (and many of them were Christians) who picked up the pieces and put them back together in major world conflicts.
    See him as you will. For me, he's always been the one who sits back with his nose in the air and tries to bat people around as if he were a cat and they were his toys. Someone has to feed the cat, and from me, he will get nothing from this point.
    You may find him perspicacious (I looked it up, too), but my assessment (the definitive antonym, suggested in an earlier comment) works better for me. When someone has to resort to taunts, he's no more than a bully.

    Quite the number. How many Jews tried to come into the US before they got cut off? And look at them now. I hope we Christian stay safe and comfortable. Damn heathens……...

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