    Why isn't the photo on the "home" page of my site my site is

    0  Views: 486 Answers: 2 Posted: 9 years ago

    2 Answers

    You have already directed us to your website.  Please do not think this is a place to advertise for free.  It's not.

    Ahhh, I am not sure if you can do that Unless you park the desired pic into your Header... Or you can create a Welcome.PHP
    See control panel and Editor then look to your right column and you will see Welcome.php
    You could essentially load your media in there and it will "float in the upper right corner no matter how many posts you do.
    If your Blog Posts is your splash or home page.
    If you want you can adjust your Header parameters to accommodate your picture size if it is too skinny. Not sure the theme you picked.

    I am a novice at CSS so asking me which PX to change in your Header.php might be better to close this thread and re post for
    How to change HeaderPHP parameters. I you are going to park that pic in your header so it is constant throughout. That is why I suggested your Welcome.php as it floats on the Blog page if I am not mistaken. It does on mine at least. Well.... up until my last update, Hence me being on here


    Thanks to word

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