
    Big test tomorrow in history, and there's a barrage of boxes to weed through in the garage, and the kitchen floor wants to be steamed.  Here I sit, doing the important stuff!

    How easily are you distracted from the honey-do, must-do, better-get-busy-and-do, and what is it that distracts you from those things best?

    (akaQA and Words With Friends can pull me away from almost anything)


    +4  Views: 877 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: leisure

    4 Answers

    Procrastination is my middle name, maybe not, but it might be, you never know, I'll get around to thinking about this later, or maybe not, again.


    You’ll do it, you’ll do it! You don’t have to be told every six months!!!

    Yes, I think I'll think about your answer some, after awhile, and maybe make a comment, later, perhaps.
    country bumpkin

    He's the biggest procrastinator I've Ever known. Must be a skirt thing!

    Sometimes, if you wait long enough, the issue resolves itself, or goes away......

    Let's see....distractions? Hmmm.....aka, a walk, golf, television, talking on the phone, visiting a friend. I think I can be distracted from something I don't want to do, by just about anything. Aren't most people like that? I've always been told that you should start your day with the job you like the least. If not, you just won't "find the time" to complete it.     :)


    I can certainly START that job, but it won't take much to draw me away from it...especially if it's an unpleasant chore

    Distractions? Not if I’m dead set on getting something done. Tunnel vision,  mind set and all that. If I’m writing a letter and  someone bothers me, woe be to them!

    I HATE having do "DO" anything!  I hate appointments, shopping day, clean my Mom's house day, laundry day!  I was on vacation a couple weeks ago and I have to say .

     It was the most relaxed I've been in 30 years!


    Clu, you're lucky you've still got your mom .

    @mcm. Yes I am lucky she is alive. She has dementia and she is not anything like she was! It is very sad. It is sad to have a body and not much of a mind. It takes a toll on everyone.

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