    Did we really need

    our governor to sign a law banning the team name "Redskins"?  Is there nothing else sitting on his desk to consider, like abandoning the Bullet Train, lowering our state taxes.........

    Do you find names like "Redskins" offensive? Whay will we do when Washington brings their pro football team to California?? Arrest them?

    +5  Views: 1049 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    No I don't find that offensive. Wat about redskin potatoes or redskin peanuts? Do we need to change their names? You can't say Merry Christmas!  The government needs to deal with illegal immigrants and taxes! Not something dumb about things named redskin!


    I think it's an honor. And I was upset that they changed the name of the " Hurons" .........the foot ball team at EMU, my alma mater. It was an honor to the Huron Indian tribe in MIchigan. They changed it to the Eagles, b/c they thought it was offensive to the Huron Indians. They should have been proud of it. . They never changed the name of the Cleveland Indians.

    I find it offensive that I can't find any place that sells a Margarita in this town, very offensive.


    AH-HA, the IMPORTANT stuff! I like the blended ones, had a raspberry margarita with delicious steak and mushrooms the other night. I'll think of you next time.
    Sorry for your loss. :(
    country bumpkin

    LOL....Thanks! :)

    Toataly ilegai.have you not tried the black bombers??





    Clu is so right. And I say Merry Christmas to whomever and mean it……..""  Edwin"nigger "Brown..footballer had a stadium named in his honor and he aint even Aboriginal guy called Hagan fought for 10 years to have the name and stadium demolished,,he lost many court cases, in the end political correctness demolished the stadium and Edwin"Nigger"Brown's name,,,,,,A fellow named Edward Coon invented the speeding process of cheese,,Hagan now wants to outlaw the name Coon..I think it is time we outlawed Hagan,,,POLITICAL CORRECTNESS should be thrown in the bin..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    I couldn't agree more. Hagan has no concept of the term; he is just out to make trouble. There are 4 high schools in the state who have "Redskins" for their team monikers. NO ONE contacted any of the administrators at any of the schools prior to passing this "law", engineered by some guy who will never see reelection. The students and schools who are "Redskins" are filled with team spirit, school spirit, and complete respect for their mascot. Our local radio talk show featured the topic for 3 hours; I listened to almost all of it and NOT ONE person called in saying "Good, it's about time".

    How on earth does one go about "outlawing" a person's surname? What a bozo
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Bob,have a look at this lady,and what she thinks about POLITICAL CORRECTNESS..well worth a listen Bob. ...>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That was awesome, Terry. She said it all, and it was RELEVANT!
    terryfossil 1

    Hey miss Bob,if anyone wanted to debate the ins and outs of muslims without being negative,,that lady puts it in a nutshell..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..Btw Bob,why the name Bob..

    It's easier to spell than PHYLLIS
    terryfossil 1

    Gotcha Bob,,Mine is Terrence,,Damn site easier to say Terry..>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

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