    What was your favorite subject in high school, and why???

    In my senior year, a creative writing class was offered.  It was fun writing poems, plays, short stories, and we compiled enough submissions from the class and student body in general to produce and sell a collection of original works.  No other class ever produced a collection.  "Six Feet Under" was a "one-hit wonder".  This poem I submitted is still one I feel expresses me well:

    I sometimes wish that I could fly
    And to this life I'd say "Good-bye".
    I'd fly away from all my sorrow;
    Fly to the promise of tomorrow.

    But when I reached tomorrow,
    I fear that I would find
    My life to be exactly like
    The one I'd left behind.


    +9  Views: 2922 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    That is a beautiful poem.You could add to it, make it longer.

    That honestly never occurred to me, but I will think on it and see what happens! Thank you, PL.

    My mom wrote an essay or a poem about Lincoln in H.S. and she got a medal for it. My dad got a medal for some spelling competition .

    7 Answers

    I liked everything that had to do with words....spelling, composition, grammar. I don't know why, but it was always easy for me.


    Me, too!

    me too. Math is too obscure

    Image result for cane cutting photos  Favourite subject was sport,,then in grade 9 i whacked a teacher and got suspended,so went to work as a canecutter,,good money but hard work..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    My brother used to trim Christmas trees up north along side the Mexicans when he was 18. It was very hot, hard work. They don't pay much , either.

    @mcm...."Up north....along side Mexicans....very hot". Where would that be?

    Physics and History - Physics i just liked, History i love, always have, one of the reasons why i travel, unfortunately Australia has very little History, thats why i likes Rome and China, their history  goes back not hundreds but thousands of years. :)


    The history of Rome is fascinating...I enjoyed a class about Ancient Rome this spring just passed. Ancient Greece is quite interesting, too. The USA has a colorful history for its relative "youth".

    Is 'wounded knee' in the history books, MsBob.

    I haven't read about it recently, and won't, if it didn't happen in Ancient Greece!

    Math. I have a photographic memory when it comes to numbers.


    Numbers are fine...I like their logical relationships. The geometry was (whoosh) over my head.

    Algebra was so abstract, but Geometry was tangible. You could see and draw angles and shapes. But,why would anyone multiply letters ?

    Art, of course! Amado Pena was my classroom teacher. He was great!





    Art is a fun subject to study as well as attempt!

    ....history, government and chemistry 

    ....they made me think and I could see the relation/influence in life

    I asked a question about H.S. on here the other day ( Dec 27, 2017) and it said it was printed, but it never showed up b/c someone removed it. That was mean . It was a good, clean question .


    In contrast to the "answer" you have provided to this question?
    terryfossil 1

    MCM.??..if the question never showed up,then how could someone remove something that was never there???..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
    country bumpkin

    @ mycatsmom... I have told you a couple of times before tonight, " No question, answer or comment is ever deleted without a good/valid reason".

    You are correct, MCM, I deleted the question you asked, December 27, 2017. However, as I have explained to you at least two times before tonight, the question you asked was Not removed because I am mean.

    The question was removed because you asked almost an identical question in November which was only a month ago.

    The question asked by you on December 27th:
    Back when you were in H.S., did boys ask out girls who wore glasses? They did not in my H.S.
    so consequently , I didn't have many dates......maybe two . My parents wouldn't get me contact lens b/c they didn't want me to be happy. They said no to everything anyway.

    November 2017 ( a little more than a month ago) you asked this question below.

    When you were in H.S., did the guys ask out girls who wear glasses. They did not in my H.S.....but maybe boys are more enlightened now.
    I asked my niece this in the 90s, when she was in H.S. She said she never noticed, but that she saw some glasses that were very attractive. She did not wear glasses.

    Here is the link to the question that you asked in November so you may see for yourself how the two questions you asked one month apart are so similar.
    country bumpkin

    You have also been warned to "Stop" posting answers to questions that are irrelevant to the question that has been asked.
    Do it again, and you will find yourself taking a vacation from akaQA.
    With all due respect
    Moderator CB

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