    Storm is going strong 2 years after total spinal fusion !

    After 2 years recuperation Storm is awesome!!

    She will have NO further surgeries to correct hips and legs due to high risks so she is fine with using mobility devices to get around as this has been the case for 6 years now... we are happy that her case was reviewed at a world forum of surgeons who agreed that to do more operations on her would only serve to further disable her. So all is well!


    +9  Views: 1228 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: update

    I asked what she did at school ... she sent me this ... LOL

    Well done young Storm,and I think your mumy loves you very much,

    I do so ... just look at her stuffed in that locker ... lol

    7 Answers

    Good on her, sunshine through Storm...........


    I'm happy for Storm and for you as well. She must be a very strong young woman with a great spirit. I wish her all the best!



    Aww that's great news about Storm lindilou. Good for her.


    Into the clearing! Yeah! Smooth sailing ahead! I’m so glad!




    Blue skies ahead too Jewel! ;)

    Excellent news for you and Storm! And all your family! Blessings! :)


    Wonderful news for you and Storm, Lindilou.  It's been a long, tough time for her, and Storm had "weathered the storm"!   Wishing her nothing but continued blessings and happiness!  (and you, too)


    Miss Bob thank you so much ... Storm has been accepted at a private Art School in Victoria so we are making a move soon to be there! My big girl Breeze is so happy to have us moving closer which pleases me immensely as well! Your blessings are much appreciated! ;)

    Very exciting times. Hope you find the perfect place and school is "uh-may-zing"

    That's great news, well done to Storm, and well done to you Lindilou.

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