    Autumn has arrived - in my hemisphere! Anybody feeling it?

    The temperatures are still in the 100's, but it gets much cooler at night.  I've put out the Halloween "flag" and decorations in the house (with help from the granddaughters).  I'm drinking coffee from my ghost, cat, witch, and pumpkin mugs, and have candy corn in a leaf shaped bowl on the coffee table.  My lightweight blanket is folded over the couch, and I've a small bale of hay with pumpkins and autumn leaves at the front door to greet the mailman and occasional visitor.  Going to football games at CSUF, and making some soup and bread for dinner tomorrow night. LOVE this time of year.

    What's new with you?


    +3  Views: 3072 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: life

    4 Answers

    I'm feeling it in several ways. My son has gone back to school, I'm wearing a light jacket for the first time since the end of May (I'm in NYC) and the sun sets about a minute earlier each day , pro baseball season winding down. Winter is less than 3 mos. away.


    That pretty much describes Michigan right now, too, Clonge. B T W , Go, MSU ! !!

    It's getting cooler here now as well , it's about 15c today not bad for September. I like this time of year when the leaves go brown and start to fall, I think it's my favourite season.

    Our temps have dropped to the low nineties on some days. I bought some rusty red mums. People are making more jokes about fall in Texas……….

    It remind ne of a song my grand papie use to sing ,and the Walton mountains,

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