
    If you saw this sign in a store window, what would be your reaction and why would you respond that way?

    Two part question; please answer both parts.

    I've been harassed for saying I wouldn't boycott the business without knowing the reason behind the sign. 

    +9  Views: 2378 Answers: 13 Posted: 9 years ago

    13 Answers

    I would probably think, "Wow, somebody has nerve!" Why? Because we all have to be so politically correct these days or we're considered racist.

    I've tried to assist people who could not speak English and when I couldn't understand a word they were saying, THEY got angry with ME! I would love to have been able to explain to them, that they no longer lived in Europe/South America/Pakistan etc. and WE speak English here!

    I would fully expect to speak the language of the country in which I chose to make my permanent residence. Some seem unable to grasp such a concept and shout "racist"! Nonsense.

    terryfossil 1 Way to go Duck,your a Duck after my own waddle..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I agree with it, if foreign people want to live and work and receive the same benefits as the rest of us then I think it is imperative that they speak English, if I was working and living abroad I would do my utmost to at least be able to get by in their language.


    Hoots mon! Dae ye speak Gaelic?

    A wee bit nom, do you?


    Fair point Bob,,i am with Roy,When in Rome do as the Romans do,,when in another mans country,it is only good manners to attempt to speak their language,even when we are on holiday we attempt to speak their language,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I would boycott the idiot owner's store. One less English-speaking customer for him to worry about. I hope the next English language sign on his window reads : "Gone out of Business- Hasta la vista"


    Ah yes. We all love dealing with people who have lived in our cities for decades and still can't speak the language. We are so loving, accepting, caring and compassionate. PC...PC...PC...

    Not what I expected to hear from digger.

    Likewise. Must be someone just filling in for the REAL digger. :)

    He hasn't been himself since that trans race-gender business, and find "themself" on a new continent, it just may be too much. Poor dear.

    I wish we could help his "confusion" but he may need a very experienced professional for that. I just hope that he doesn't become too mellowed out. That would be tragic! :(

    Definitely need digger to stay cynical, sarcasric, and (uh) charming.

    Indeed charming! :)
    P.S. Is he ignoring us????

    Never, I think we're his two best "girls"

    Perhaps we have offended him? I'm hope he's not shedding tears because of aka.....again.

    @Bob. I assume that the scenario that you painted is a hypothetical one. After all, if I owned a retail store that was inundated with customers, I'd be quite pleased...even if they did converse in "Mexican". I think It would be wiser to hire staff that could communicate (read "connect") with my valuable clients than posting a silly sign. Besides, are all of these Spanish-speaking customers insisting on speaking Spanish? Really ?

    I saw it in Facebook and had a testy debate with the guy who posted it. Have no idea if it was real or fabricated. We agreed to disagree, but apparently, I argued "like a lawyer".

    Fair enough but when two lawyers argue a case, one of them is usually wrong.;-)

    So in summation, digger is wrong, all wrong, as usual. LOL!!!

    "Like a lawyer", not "as a lawyer". I don't let go when I think I'm rigjt unless facts prove otherwise. But, you already know that

    At first I would laugh but that's just me. I understand. I only wish that it could be enforced. 

    Does that include American speaking as well Miss Bob,?????

    Sounds bordering on racist and reminds me of signs you used to see in windows: 'Rooms to let, No blacks, no dogs, No Irish'.

    terryfossil 1

    It is not Racist Nom,,it is all about language and manners..>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    In Spain where there a lot of British ex-pats I have never seen a sign saying ' Espagnol Solamente', or in France ' Ici on ne parle pas Englais'.
    terryfossil 1

    You are correct Nom,but it is frowned upon if you do not attempt to use their language..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    That's me excluded then norm,

    The signs may not be there, but once you enter the domain, you find out.

    I would find it offensive, discriminatory and nigh on provocative and I would complain to the appropriate authorities. In my 46 years in a foreign country, I have never come across such blatant discrimination. In this scenario a simple "Only English spoken here" would, I feel, have the desired effect.

    My BP has gone up a notch to HBP.


    Keep takin the pills!


     Each to his own ... if the owner only speaks English then I can sort of see where they're coming from ... I ordered Sum Yung Gai once at a cafe' ... they brought me chicken !!! Chicken !!!  ;D


    o,m,g,what pillocks lindy,

    I know mate ... they could have at least consoled me but all they did was laugh and make googly eyes at me!! lol

    Hai Hai. Ilo veyo u. What language is this?

    Awwwww [blush] Cutsiepie that's what it is... lol

    Hai Hai lindilou.
    It's the language of love! ( Ilo veyo u.) Got it? Still blushing?

    LoL [and giggling] lol

    1) I'd be annoyed. 2) I would say in Armenian to the manager/owner, "Yet’ye kar yevs meky nman k’yez , yes kts’ankanayi, dnum dzez tapani!" ( "If there was another one like you, I'd put you in the Ark!")


    I suspose that's the English way of saying Buggerr off,

    LOL I love it !

    If he had been put in the Ark he would have survived the Flood; it was all the rest that perished. Probably a million people after Creation only about 1,500 years previously

    But surely Bob thiers not that maney in America that speak proper English like I did,


    Your English is exceptional, Hector.

    I no Norm if only their were more like us,

    Thank goodness for ESL programs. 

    "Air Canada announces comprehensive English as a Second Language, crash courses on all of it's flights into Canada for a small fee of only $299.99"  ... "Get it today!"  "In twelve short hours and a complimentary movie, you too will be fluent... except for those landing in Quebec.  We haven't worked out that part yet."


    ' Bonjour Monsieur Thibeau' ring a bell?

    Oui and with 12 years of French in English speaking schools, I am still not fluent. :(

    Oh man ... I never could get it. I understood Ukrainian though however English is what I got.. given ... or chose ... y'know, to speak it in this lifetime... man that last life of speaking yiddish got me nowhere fast!! Heck trying to learn Sasquatch is near impossible , can't hear half of what they're saying coz it's in infrasound.... whooooooop! BTW I have some amazing photographs of many many individuals that we chanced to get in June this summer and holy mackeral!!!

    I speak nine alien languages but can't get a decent photo. Aliens and cameras are much like vampires and mirrors.
    I understand German and can speak enough of it to give holiday greetings and call people names. I swear those are the two first things a German will teach you. One is important and the other is funny. (Their perspective) :D

    I wish to share with you on G+ so will tag you but not for a little while so turn on notifications or I could send you a link to my photos on there and you could marvel at the many photo studies I have compiled over about 5 years MOMMA!!

    :D sounds good!

    Tagged you on G+!!!

    That sign reminds me of the old south where lots of signs read  " whites only " or on segregated drinking fountains, signs said,  " white only ''---- or "colored only '' 

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